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Considering the fact that municipal supplies are tested more often than bottled and the fact that plastic bottles are polluting the environment, I see no need for bottled water at all.

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It is vital that we protect water now, not later. Ontario needs to implement strong laws to safeguard our water supplies for now and future.

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I am in strong support of extending the current moratorium on groundwater taking. We absolutely MUST protect and prioritize Ontario’s groundwater for our communities, especially in the face of the climate crisis we are now in. Lire davantage

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I think you should NOT renew the contract for Nestle to remove and bottle water that they sell at an enormous profit to their corporation and an enormous loss to Ontario Lire davantage

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Proposal to extend the current moratorium on water bottling permits is important but does not go far enough, I would like to see our water protected for future generations, we must take the protection of our water seriously instead of giving in to corporate pressure, water must stay public

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The moratorium needs to be extended. The priority needs to be on safe water in quantity for the citizens of the province over the water bottling companies.

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A big part of the problem with bottling water is the bottles themselves. A tax to maintain recycling facilities should be included in any bottling policy.

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Dear Government of Canada, and its representatives, the Planet and our dear country are in an emergency situation for the days to come, and water is one of the most precious resources that all of us have to live. and need protect. Lire davantage

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The Ontario government needs to pass a law prohibiting any commercial operation from extracting water a natural resource free to all Canadian residents. The only it could be taken from possibly would be in the extreme north near James Bay to unimpede large civil populations.

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To whom it may concern, Ontario needs to have modern water taking policies that prioritize Ontario’s groundwater for communities and safeguards water quantity for generations to come. Lire davantage

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The whole water-bottling industry needs to be critically examined. Currently, bottling companies are taking a precious public resource at ridiculously low cost and making large profits, while leaving behind a mountain of waste in the form of empty plastic bottles. Lire davantage

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Completely support extending the moratorium on water bottling permits until late next year! Thank you for listening to the public interest & please continue to do so!

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I commend the Ontario government for planning to extend the moratorium on water taking permits for companies like Nestle. There must be better studies on long term groundwater impacts, and impacts on communities that depend on this water. Lire davantage

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I believe that access and security of supply of drinking water is a basic human right. This valuable resource must not be sold to industries at the expense of depletion of security of supply to Municipalities and in turn citizens of Ontario. Lire davantage

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This is a very important topic when it comes to our climate. With plastic constantly polluting our world and beautiful environment something needs to be changed. Lire davantage

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Please prevent our ground water from being taken and resold as bottled water by companies like Nestlé. Water is a basic human right and needs to be protected. Lire davantage