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Lake Huron Fishing Club

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"To whom it may concern, re proposal number 20-MNRF004. We are the Lake Huron Fishing Club and are a 100% volunteer organization that has been in operation since 1986. Lire davantage

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As an aquaculture researcher at an Ontario university, I support the proposal to modernize and streamline the regulatory framework for Ontario’s aquaculture facilities. Lire davantage

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In response to the MNRFs proposal to make changes to modernize Ontario’s approach to licensing aquaculture I have one overarching concern and three proposal specific comments. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

To whom it may concern, re proposal number 20-MNRF004. I am a Past President of the Lake Huron Fishing Club, a 100% volunteer organization that has been in operation since 1983. Lire davantage