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Wolf Lake is a pristine well used corridor for recreational canoe / back country campers skirting some of Ontario’s red pine forests. It’s time to think beyond mineral resource capitalization and think about the natural legacy such a place as as this afford All Canadians. Lire davantage

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Wolf lake and the surrounding lands are some of Temagami’s most striking and valuable public lands. It contains one of North America’s last remains stands of (underprotected) virgin red pine forests. These lands are far too fragile and important to risk with mining exploration and similar industry. Lire davantage

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Apparently, Flag Resources has put in a new application for mineral exploration at Wolf Lake. If approved, they could use heavy equipment to get in, strip trees, vegetation and soil, excavate rock, and drill, causing unacceptable damage to this sensitive and endangered ecosystem. Lire davantage

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I am very concerned to learn from Friends of Temagami that the ministry is considering a new application from Flag Resources to do mineral exploration in the Wolf Lake area of Temagami. Lire davantage

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Deny New Application by Flag Resources for mineral exploration at Wolf Lake. Wolf Lake is a very heavily used recreational lake, as well as a globally significant ecological area. Three of the four sites on the two applications at Wolf Lake (019-0593 & 019-2230) are favoured campsites. All Lire davantage

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I ask that the government keep their promise of adding Wolf Lake to the Chiniguchi Waterway Provincial Park. Permitting further mineral exploration on this valuable piece of land would go against this promise.

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Wolf Lake area is too beautiful for mining. This area is integral for its ecosystem and recreation opportunities. Mineral explorations would harm the environmental and ruin recreation in the area.

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Wolf Lake is old growth forest that needs protection from mining, logging or any other activities that threaten this unique, essential ecosystem. I am firmly against any approvals for exploration or development (e.g. by Flag resources or others) in the Wolf Lake area. Lire davantage

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It is exactly this exploration that is the problem. It is invasive. You are speaking about stripping sections of land, disturbing the surroundings to see once more, if after decades of exploring with no tangible results if there are minimal deposits. Lire davantage

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Do not approve the Flag Resources application to approve the mineral exploration of the Wolf lake area. This is totally unnecessary. This is very damaging to our environment. The trees and vegetation are part of a sensitive and endangered ecosystem. We do not need more minerals. This must stop. Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake is a very heavily used recreational lake, as well as a globally significant ecological area. Three of the four sites on the two applications at Wolf Lake (019-0593 & 019-2230) are favoured campsites. All Lire davantage

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Wolf Lake is the largest known old growth red pine forest and the missing link in the Chiniguchi Waterway Provincial Park. It is past time to fulfil the promise to protect Wolf Lake as a park for present and future generations. Lire davantage