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Why are we getting rid of the buildings that give this city character and identity? Toronto is starting to look like a strip mall. And we know there will hardly be any affordable housing in the proposed development of the Foundry. Lire davantage

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MZO" are undemocratic instruments of government ! They should be eliminated !!

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage

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I do not approve of this. It is an outrageous abuse of power and goes against its own planning policies, among several others. MZOs should be used in they way they were prior to this Government.

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Ministerial Zoning Orders should only be used in very, very exceptional circumstances, not to greenlight development. As opposed to extending the authority of MZO's, the amendments I would like to see to MZO's are the following: They must include extensive public consultation. Lire davantage

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Hello, The proposed expansion of the use of MZOs and adjustments to the process is a concept with which our family strongly disagrees. Lire davantage

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I thought these planning act tools became part of the legislation as a means of creating check points to ensure development would sustainable and certain lands would be protected. This has worked thus far, so why mess with it now? Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage

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The raft of MZO's has been absolutely devastating. In these days of Climate Change the environmental degradation caused by inappropriate application of MZOs is glaring. Lire davantage

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This is so disrespectful to cities and the people who live in them and are passionate about their built landscape, about heritage, about the environment, about the future. Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage

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With respect, these often secret approvals are usurping areas of decision-making that formerly were the responsibility of municipalities. Being issued without public consultation or at the in-camera request of a municipality with no input from their constituencies verges on trumpism. Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage

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this act will remove the publics protection for bad development . do not pass this bill

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage

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The minister should have no enhanced powers. This proposal removes necessary checks. The Ontario government seems to care more about so-called development than it does about conservation. All environmental checks should be enhanced, not depleted. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the changes enacted through Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, that was passed on July 21, 2020. Lire davantage