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There are several fundamental issues with the net metering program. I am a Canadian Electrical Engineer living on the outskirts of Ottawa. I live in a 4 bedroom house that has AC and a pool. My Hydro consumption last year was ~24000 KWh. Lire davantage

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Canadian Renewable Energy Association (CanREA)

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Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on the proposal of the Ministry of Energy to make amendments to O. Reg. Lire davantage

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Cornerstone Hydro Electric Concepts

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Please see attached comments in regard to the Supporting Residential Roof-Top Solar and Other Renewable Resources. Lire davantage

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CarbonFree Technology Inc.

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Our comments on the potential for net metering in Ontario are as follows: Lire davantage

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Waterloo North Hydro

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Waterloo North Hydro (WNH) is pleased that the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines (MENDM) is furthering their development of the net metering program and third-party leasing and financing arrangements to allow greater customer participation in generation and renewables. Lire davantage

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• Third-party financing of solar energy primarily occurs through two models: 1) lease; and 2) Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Lire davantage

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German Solar Corporation

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German Solar Corporation is please to provide the attached comments to the Ministry of Energy's Proposal. Lire davantage

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Essex Power Corporation

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Essex Power Corporation (“EPC”) and its subsidiaries, including regulated Local Distribution Company Essex Powerlines Corporation, is submitting this commentary in support of the proposal described under Environmental Registry of Ontario #019-4554. Lire davantage

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Hydro One Inc.

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Please see the attached document from Hydro One Inc in response to this proposal. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Maria Papadopoulos Manager, Government Relations, Hydro One Inc 416-977-3314 Lire davantage

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Coalition of Large Distributors

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The Coalition of Large Distributors ("CLD") consists of Alectra Utilities Corporation, Elexicon Energy Inc., Hydro One Networks Inc., Hydro Ottawa Limited, and Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited. Lire davantage

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Clean Air Partnership and Clean Air Council

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RE: Clean Air Council Feedback on ERO#: 019-4554: Supporting Residential Roof-Top Solar and other renewable resources by clarifying eligibility of third-party leasing and financing net metering arrangements About the Clean Air Council Lire davantage

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Aecon Technical Solutions Inc.

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We wish to thank the Ministry of Energy, Conservation and Renewable Energy Division for the opportunity to connect on this important topic. Lire davantage