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Hamilton has chosen to freeze our urban boundary. This was a decision that our community made and we hope the provincial government will respect that. We feel strongly that the agricultural lands surrounding our city are vital to a environmentally sound future.

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There is plenty of under-utilized space within the current city boundaries. Increasing density within the current boundaries would increase the tax base without requiring extensive new infrastructure and it would destroy farmland and green space outside the city. Lire davantage

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Ontario can keep growing AND maintain its non urbanized lands. The Province should respect Hamilton's process, whereby Hamilton citizens have chosen to protect 3,000 acres of farmland through civic engagement of 18,000 people where an incredible 90% chose to save this land. Lire davantage

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Dear minister Ford. We feel that we don't need more buildings, but food on the table!! So leave the land for farmers. Climate change is real and it's getting harder to get food. Also affordable food products. Lire davantage

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Do not distroy the valuable farmland we have left & need to feed people. It's bad enough that people can't find affordable living in places where there is a lot of derelict buildings that could be bulldozed down (e.g. Lire davantage

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I hope the provincial government does not overstep and force something that 90% of Hamilton residents voiced against. We DO NOT want boundary expansion. We WANT to protect our 3,000 acres of farmland. Lire davantage

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we need to keep the rural lands free of expansion to new build. Soon as climate change happens across the world we will need all of our available lands to grow our own food. It will be too late once it gets built over.

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I have lived in Hamilton for 50 years. We raised our family here. I am appalled that your provincial government has the ability, and evidently the desire, to overturn City Council's decision regarding "no boundary expansion". This is not the way our democracy should work. Lire davantage

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I wish to urge you to support the no boundary expansion that Hamilton council voted in, after an overwhelmingly positive response to a city survey, in which over 90% of 18,000 people voted to freeze the urban boundary. Lire davantage

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It was a wonderful environmental and fiscal win for the City of Hamilton to submit an official plan to preserve approximately 3,000 acres of farmland till 2051. The official plan complies with provincial land use policy and will serve our children and grandchildren. Lire davantage

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Please do not expand Hamilton's urban boundary. Hamilton has chosen to protect the 3,000 acres of farmland through civic engagement of 18,000 where 90% chose to save this land. This issue is settled and we are in compliance with provincial regulations. Lire davantage

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The City of Hamilton has recently submitted Fhis plan amendments to the City of Hamilton Urban and Rural Official Plans for a decision. The amendments contain new policies to guide growth and development in the City to the year 2051. Lire davantage

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I support the amendments to its official plan that the City of Hamilton is proposing. In particular, I strongly support accommodation of growth to 2051 within the existing urban boundary, in order to presreve farmland outside the present urban area. Lire davantage