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I am absolutely disgusted by this. Firstly, this is announced in the afternoon of another strike. This will create such a carbon footprint by growing outwards when we need to be growing upwards instead.

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Building over the green belt won’t solve our housing issues. All it will accomplish is ruining our ecosystem, decimating the protected environment and organisms that inhabit it, and contributing to urban sprawl. Once this land is gone, there’s no going back. Lire davantage

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The idea of losing greenbelt space is appalling. The idea of losing it for single-family housing is even more appalling - if we're going to clear space for housing, it should be high-density.

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Nothing should be built in the green belt! It is there to protect land! How dare you decide it now fine to build there just because the rich want to get richer. This is disgusting! SAVE THE GREENBELT!

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We don't need more places for development, there is plenty of land to develop without the greenbelt, and plenty of areas around larger cities that aren't being fully utilized. Rely on densification over short term income boosting developments. Lire davantage

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I, a Canadian Citizen and resident of Ontario, would like to enter into record that I am vehemently opposed to these potential amendments. While I acknowledge the housing crisis is of utmost importance I emplore the government to look for solutions elsewhere. Lire davantage

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Preserving and ensuring access to green space, wetlands, and conservation areas is incredibly important for current and future generations. We should be increasing environmental and land protections as we enter an era of unprecedented climate change. Lire davantage

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There are plenty of other spaces to go to for housing - why don’t you work on existing, redundant spaces. Refurbish areas that have already been built upon, before going to break another promise

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I think that this is a horrible idea. We know and see and feel the affects of climate change. There are going to be a trickle effect that happens, most importantly the displacement and destruction of natural wild habitats that exist along those areas. Lire davantage

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We need to invest developing our urban spaces and making a denser population in these spaces. Our cities are doughnut cities. Traffic in suburban areas is already horrible. This proposal further strips our wetlands. Please do not further develop our green belt!