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The greenbelt is a precious natural resource for Ontario and should not be encroached on unilaterally without thorough public consultation and environmental assessment of these expansions. Lire davantage

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Four years ago, Doug Ford's plans to carve up the Greenbelt had to be scrapped in the face of overwhelming public opposition. At that time, he said: “The people have spoken. We won’t touch the Greenbelt. That’s it.” Lire davantage

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Destroying the Greenbelt because some wealthy land owners decided to buy up large tracts of land years ago is not a good idea. Nor is it "necessary" as the Premier has commented recently. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is an important piece of Ontario’s conservation strategy. Given the current climate crisis that we are facing, losing any part of it is a mistake and will cause more harm to our province in ecological, economic, and cultural planes. Lire davantage

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I was dumbfounded to hear of this proposal, not only because it’s unnecessary and environmentally disastrous, but recent public comments to blame immigrants is beyond offensive. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt program is completely irresponsible. We've had mo end of reports with recommendations on improving the housing crisis, and they don't involve destroying the greenbelt. Ontario sees this as the smash and grab it is. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt has been so important to my family and so many others, especially during covid. When we weren’t comfortable seeing people indoors we started exploring the greenbelt’d parks and trails and now use them much more regularly even if we are more comfortable indoors. Lire davantage

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Developing the greenbelt will cause irreversible damage to the area. From an environmental perspective I know you know what damage it will do. It is a wildly unpopular idea, with barely a thin veil covering the obvious greed behind this decision. Lire davantage

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The green belt was defined for a reason. Destroying ecologically important areas will have negative impacts on our watersheds and wilderness. Please don’t change our green belt for the benefit of developers.

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This is deeply disturbing that a long standing protected area that is VITAL to the province would just be so carelessly “removed” and “put back” somewhere else. Our Greenbelt protects important wetlands, grasslands, forests and countless species at risk. Lire davantage

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Removing land from the green belt is not a viable option. these homes likely be too expensive for most people given the location and distance from busy working areas such as downtown Toronto, which would defeat the purpose of “helping the housing crisis”. Lire davantage

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Protected green areas are within that status for a reason. In a world damaged and devastated by human expansion and construction, we do not need more development in our ecological backyard. Lire davantage

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The proposed "More Homes Built Faster Act" includes only tepid measures to enable more badly needed home construction in existing cities while diving deep into dangerous attacks on wetland habitat, woodlands and other conservation lands and encouraging even more of the expensive rural sprawl that ca Lire davantage

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I disapprove of building homes on Hamilton's green belt. I do agree Ontario needs more housing especially in the GTHA but destroying protected land is not the way. We need more rural communities in the GTHA, less density of population. Lire davantage

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Taking over the greenbelt for construction of homes is an irresponsible approach to tackling our housing issue. Building on protected green lands is unacceptable given the environmental climate. Lire davantage

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Good day, recently there has been a lot about the development on farmland and the green belt. I am against the over population of our existing city by allowing lane way and backyard homes. This will contest neighbourhoods more. We don’t have the infrastructure for this. Lire davantage