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Why is this being proposed? You stated in 2018 that you would not develop in the Greenbelt. The is a huge problem because it would make the Greenbelt smaller and disrupt habitat, it opens the door for development inch by inch, and natural lands need to be maintained or made bigger. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt should remain permanently protected! You already know why. Ontario has other options to build housing. The issue is not space, Ontario is huge. Ontario should not be catering to the construction and development industries' bribes.. sorry, "lobbying". Lire davantage

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100% Opposed to the proposal. Contrary to modern day focus on environment sustainability that the planet is challenged with. The population growth has to be counterbalanced with environment impact. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to any plan for development on the greenbelt, particularly in view of Minister Clark's stance of last year. Under no circumstances should development on this land be considered. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely outrageous. How is it possible that other countries are able to built dense, beautiful cities while all we know how to do is sprawl. Build in, not out. This land has been preserved for a reason. Plus this is against any climate action we are supposed to be acting on. Lire davantage

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While it is a fact that we need to accommodate a growing population within the GTA, could you not first exhaust the available plots of land that are not within the Greenbelt boundaries? Lire davantage

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Urban sprawl is bad enough. We have the Greenbelt for a reason. So we stay within limits and do not take all of our greenspace away. The environment is very important and removing land from the Greenbelt would have very negative consequences. Lire davantage

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Bill 23, the “More Homes Built Faster Act” will not create affordable housing. It will create sprawl. It will facilitate the destruction of wetlands, worsen climate change, and endanger biodiversity. It will put people and property at greater risk from flooding and pollution. Lire davantage

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At a time when the impacts of climate change are becoming more dire and clear by the day, it is stunning to see the government propose removing land from the Greenbelt and undermine conservation authorities is stunning. Lire davantage

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Paving the Greenbelt for housing is the wrong plan. I voted for Doug because he said he would keep the Greenbelt safe from development in 2018. Now he's turning on his promise after only 4 years. I WILL NOT be voting conservative again because of this. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible proposal. Doug Ford commited in 2018 not to remove any lands from the greenbelt, and now here we are giving away greenbelt land to developers and gutting Conservation Authority powers. Lire davantage

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I am very concerned with development on the greenbelt and shocked Doug Ford has completly broke his promise not to touch the greenbelt. The economic and environmental concerns have been pushed aside for developers. This act will not be forgotten at election time. Lire davantage