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I say No!!! to building on any part of the moraine or green belt. It is obvious that we are experiencing food shortages and it is only going to get worse if this government insists on using valuable farm lands for development. Lire davantage

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Don’t do it! We need to protect our watershed and farmland if we want a viable future for Ontario. Keep existing urban boundaries intact, allow creative development and redevelopment within them and allow municipalities to make their own planning decisions. Lire davantage

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I am a resident of Toronto. The proposal the develop in the greenbelt is a non-starter. There are other areas we could develop (if needed). This is just a cash grab for Doug Ford's friends. Don't destroy our environment to build subpar housing.

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I am a resident of Ontario who grew up in Caledon. I strongly disagree with opening up any green belt land for development. It is an environmental disaster that will reduce our future quality of life.

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This is horrible!!! We need to keep what little we have left!, we need more trees!!! NOT less!! Isn't our air important to us???? We all know trees help filter our air ect.... why is thar not important?!

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The housing crisis is not addressed with this bill. It does not provide affordable, accessible housing for those with disabilities, on fixed incomes, who are seniors. Further endangering our green space and losing ground on essential climate targets is short-sighted and unacceptable. Lire davantage

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My family and I are totally against of destroying the green belt in favour of building housing. More highrises should be built on the existing land. Make builders do bigger condo apartments. Look at European cities, they are more reasonable than North American cities. Lire davantage

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This is just plain foolish. I farmed in the green belt for 40 years, until development on the fringe of farmland forced me to quit. You will have no economy to worry about, when you continue to disrupt the wetlands, reroute the watercourses, and develop on flood plains. Im horrified at just Lire davantage

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This is going to destroy the habitats of so many animals. Why the sudden change of heart to destroy land meant for conservation? This is NOT the way to solve the housing crisis. Find a new way.

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We need to keep the greenbelt. We are in the middle of a climate crisis, and sprawling houses and condos will not help solve the housing crisis. Reduced cost of living will. Lire davantage

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I am fundamentally opposed to the use of protected environmental lands for more housing developments. I appreciate the importance and urgency of accommodating a growing population, but not at the expense of wetlands and green space that is so fragile. Lire davantage

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Destroying important agricultural land is a short-sighted plan meant to enrich a small number of developers at the expense of our future. Climate change is the biggest threat to the future of our country and planet, and Doug Ford is selling us out to enrich his buddies. Lire davantage

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Stop trying to kill everything around you just to line your pockets. These lands will not be used for "affordable" housing so how will it help the housing crisis. Don't let Doug Ford kill nature like he tried killing unions and our Healthcare system

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All greenbelt regions are there for a reason to protect vital areas for man and animal. The more green belt disappears the worse off it will be for our future generations and they will take the blunt reality of our indiscretions. Lire davantage