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I am so upset on hearing that we will be losing some of our protected green land to benefit the rich builders and make them richer. We don’t need another highway going from no where to no where. Lire davantage

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I see no legitimate reason to touch the green belt. There has to be already developed areas with buildings that have long sat empty or are abandoned. Why not solve problems instead of creating more?

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I am a tax paying, voting citizen of Ontario and I do not agree with this proposal. I do not believe this proposal to be beneficial to the people of Ontario or the environment of Ontario. Lire davantage

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I do not support this proposal. The Greenbelt should continue to be protected from development and Conservation authorities should not have their ability to do so modified, impeded, or removed in any way. Lire davantage

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It seems like developing on the Greenbelt is less about creating housing and more about money given to developers. We need affordable housing in the city, buildings are empty. Lire davantage

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Please, please, please do not start building on the greenbelt Doug Ford and all of his developer friends. We need this area to exist as is so that our animals have a place to grow and thrive. So, we can continue making oxygen for our province with the trees and vegetation. Lire davantage

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Stop Greenbelt Plan. Please let us keep our Country before it becomes destroyed. I understand the people that run the whole show want more and what better then to control the country now. I am a hard working individual since age 13, I went through school and worked full time. Lire davantage

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I am a private Ontario citizen who is incredibly concerned about the proposed changes to the Green Belt. The Green Belt is incredibly important to the long term viability and livability of our province. Lire davantage

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The fact that building on protected land is even on the table right now is an atrocity. It’s greedy and only puts more money in the pockets of Ford and his buddies while damaging our green belt. Ford needs a reality check before he continues to ruin our province for the shake of greed

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I absolutely DO NOT support this, and Doug Ford should be ashamed for even thinking about it. Our land is not there to put money in yours and your friends pockets, Doug. The green belt should be protected, not plowed down. Do better.

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Doug Ford’s plan to pursue development on the Greenbelt is an egregious attack on incredibly important and protected land that would only serve to further destroy precious ecological systems and wildlife in our province, and would negatively affect the environmental health of our country. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow development in our green belt. Our future generations should be able to trust that we will not destroy our protected lands so they can bring their families to these areas one day. Lire davantage

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This amendment to the "protected" greenbelt feels like, rather than progressing as a society we are backtracking. This is 2022, there are brilliant minds and also evil ones that attempt to benefit from destruction of what was supposed to be PROTECTED land. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to development of the Greenbelt in ANY WAY. The Greenbelt is a unique and fabulous area of Toronto and any encroachment will lead to catastrophic changes in wildlife migration and wetlands habitat. Lire davantage

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The green belt needs to remain as protected land. All ecosystems are interconnected and the damage done here will be irrevocable. Just the environmental cost alone will be massive, never mind the economic, social and political damage that will inevitably ensue. Lire davantage