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The greenbelt must be protected. The environment must be protected. Conservation authorities must be protected. Climate change must be mitigated. Ford promised he would protect the greenbelt before the election. Please stay true to your word. Lire davantage

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Please do not take away from the Greenbelt, it's extremely important for the environment and local animal life. There are other options for housing other than the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Don’t develop the greenbelt! This is a Just Doug Ford destroying our environment to help his cronies. The greenbelt is important. Building expensive single homes will only help his rich friends at the expense of our environment and all Ontarian voters.

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This seems like a big investment of resources and I just wonder if Ontario needs a new highway more than they need to put money into fixing the education and medical systems that are both on the verge of collapse? Not to mention the devastating environmental effect that this would have. Lire davantage

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Hey. Ford, Get out of our green belt. This is t hours to do with as you want the citizens and future have the right to see it stay as is. Just resign your killing our Province. Go away Doug Ford !

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This is absolutely horrendous and an abuse of the power Ford currently has. This will only cause harm while lining the pockets of those who are already rich. The land and the animals who reside there deserve protection.

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The green belt needs to remain protected. It should not be used to create more housing. Perhaps a better option would be to repurpose empty office buildings to create more housing. Please let’s not destroy our green belt.

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Ive lived my whole life in Southern Ontario, the green belt is integral to our province. We do not need another highway around the GTA. We do not more urban sprawl in southern ontario. Please support nothern ontario with a highway they need it. We dont. Listen to your voters Doug. Lire davantage

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I do not support plans to open the green belt to development. It's an important part of our environment and Canadian culture. This action does not reflect the intentions or values of every day working Canadians.

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The Greenbelt is critical to keep in its natural state in order to avoid flooding and other climate-related disasters, which we have already seen affecting Canadian lands. Lire davantage

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The wildlife and species of floral eta that inhabit the green belt would be murdered by this development. Those that survived would be forced out into urban areas which raises the risk of disease and infection to people and domestic animals. Lire davantage