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Please do not build on the greenbelt. It is beyond unecessary and should be the last place for homes. There are other options, this should not even be up for proposal, it is protected. Taking away people's rights and protected lands? That's not an Ontario I or my family of four want to live in. Lire davantage

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No no no !!!! Don't touch the green belt. It's our duties as humans on this earth to value and protect the environment that provides for us. Touching it is damaging and adds further to our climate crisis. Protect our earth, our home !! Doug promised to not touch it. He MUST stand by his words.

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Doug has been caught in a lie yet again. After promising he wouldn’t touch the green belt, here we are. As a resident of Niagara I and many of my friends, family, and neighbours STRONGLY oppose this gross misconduct by the Ford government. Stand down Mr. Lire davantage

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As a citizen of Ontario I am truly apauled by the Ford government even thinking of building on the greenbelt. I think that Doug Ford is only trying to line his pockets and continue to screw over the residentsnof this once great province. Lire davantage

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This is not a acceptable solution to our housing issue! Do better Mr. Ford. You are hurting our chridrens future. Decisions or suggestions like this one. Is the reason why we have environmental issues. Lire davantage

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As an southern Ontarian I am very concerned about the proposed motion to open up the green belt for development. We were promised it would be protected and this goes completely against that. This will directly impact our environment and thus our children’s futures. Lire davantage

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I don't support this bill as I feel all the conservative government is not actually solving any affordable housing issues. They are just going to sell off this land to the highest bidders who then are going to build unaffordable houses on it. Lire davantage

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Leave the green belt alone. Even children know better than to build on wetlands thanks to magic schoolbus! Maybe all members of the conservatives should go watch Season 4, episode 5 of the magic school bus! Lire davantage

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The green belt needs to be protected. Why not repurpose buildings that are sitting empty especially in bigger cities like Hamilton and Toronto. Create more affordable housing rather than extravagant homes that the “middle class” or lower income households cannot afford anyway. Lire davantage

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This is such a horrible idea. The Greenbelt is protected land for a reason, and I will be rescinding my vote for any political figure that has a hand in letting this happen. This is the last thing Ontario needs right now and is not the way to go about fixing the housing issue.

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Please do not touch the Greenbelt. You promised Ontarians that you wouldn’t touch it. This is protected green space that we need. Why not look into repurposing? We need low income housing NOT mansions in the Greenbelt.

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I fully believe that this is an absolute abuse of power. The greenbelt needs to be protected at all costs. Doug Ford is ruining Ontario and lied when he said this wouldn’t be something he would do. Think about moving the highway or maybe paying the nurses and CUPE instead.

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No. You’re already making it hard for the low income residents of Ontario to just be able to afford life meanwhile any services to help us are inaccessible. You do not need to destroy our environment while you’re at it. This will help no one but rich property contractors. Lire davantage

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Strongly disagree with any proposal to eliminate the green belt. It is conserved for a reason. There is no going back once done. As a lifelong Ontario resident, this is unacceptable. Our future depends on green spaces, not concrete. Please continue to protect the Greenbelt.

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Why is this even coming up? Ford says he listened to the people and would NOT do this. This is a terrible idea!! Those are protected lands, they need to stay that way!! There are animals & biodiversity in that area. The GTA barely has any green space left! Lire davantage

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Please reconsider building in the greenbelt. Instead could we please look into repurposing already built architecture to convert into living spaces. It would bring a smile on my face to see Canada lead North America in efficient land usage. Lire davantage