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I don’t believe this stretch of PROTECTED land should be destroyed for construction. It should stay protected and the money should be allotted somewhere it will have a direct impact on the lives of Ontario residents. Lire davantage

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As a 21 year old living in Ontario, my heart is broken. I am so disappointed in the men that are being given power. Doug Ford is destroying the province I have grown up in and was planning to grow old in. Lire davantage

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The Green Belt is incredibly important and should not be open for development. Doug Ford is breaking his previous promise with this proposal. What we need to focus on are the collapse of our health care system, solving the housing crisis and the situation in our schools.

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Please leave the green belt alone. It is necessary for all life Ontario probably more globally than we even realize. Repurpose unused buildings in downtown Toronto allow for high rises in different cities. Lire davantage

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Please, please for the future of our beautiful country— do not destroy the green belt for profit. There are plenty of places that can be repurposed and transformed to create affordable housing — what we need in Ontario. Lire davantage

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Leave the green belt alone! If your bungling of the healthcare and education system is any indication, you have no business making a decision with such a huge environmental fallout.

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This is not what the people of Toronto were promised. We have to protect and conserve our land. We dont need more unaffordable houses. We need Ford to help fix the housing crisis not add to it. Why isn't there more regular apartments being built for low income households? Lire davantage

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This is a horrible idea and goes against everything Doug Ford promised. That he would never open the greenbelt to development. AND taking away the conservation authority's power to control building on flood planes? Seriously! This makes no sense. Low income housing is what is needed! Not mansions. Lire davantage

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I have lived in the greenbelt my entire life. It was a point of pride that Ontario had put aside this important ecological area to protect the environment, the wildlife and future generations. How can you suggest developing our green spaces while entire buildings sit empty in our city centers? Lire davantage

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Please do not touch the Greenbelt. The land is important to Ontarians- we have told this government before we do not want you to touch it. Find another way- use old buildings and warehouses to refurbish into low income housing. Also, we don’t want a new highway either.

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I am so thankful that this is available for comment. In no way shape or form do I agree with what the government of Ontario, under the leadership of Doug Ford is trying to do with our protected lands. We cannot let this proposal go forward. Lire davantage

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This is not what the people need. We do not need more mansions or overpriced condos that no one can afford go live in along the Greenbelt. This is not what we are asking for. This will destroy a cherished piece of Canada if Doug Ford is successful with moving this forward. Lire davantage

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The Ministry and Doug Ford need to uphold the promise that the Greenbelt would not be developed. The housing crisis cannot be solved by allowing developers access to conservation areas. We need to look at better solutions, including repurposing unused and underused buildings in major city areas. Lire davantage

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We need the Greenbelt and its environmental protections. Homes can be built anywhere, there's only a small strip of land across Canada where we can grow food and we've already paved over so much of it with our suburban sprawl. Lire davantage

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Please do not do this. There is areadon land is protected. Develop all land within the urban boundary before expanding. Also, stop building single home dwellings and have municipalities expand by laws to allow for more housing.