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Doug Ford, you promised not to touch the green belt, now here we are! The green belt is an important ecological feature of the GTA, you want to run your useless highway through it, and now develop land along that same route - all to benefit your developer buddies. LEAVE THE GREEN BELT ALONE!!!!!

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Ontario does not have a need for more McMansions, especially built on important and protected land. Doug Ford should look to implement better regulations to prevent sky-high rental prices and property hoarding, and take a stand against slumlords. Lire davantage

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We require stable natural land. The greenbelt was preserved for the sake of climate and hhabitatcontroland I do not support any changes to this land for industrial or housing development now or in the future. Lire davantage

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I don’t agree with this idea so much wildlife lives in these areas. We don’t need to destroy the green belt to build mansions. You should be taking abandoned spaces and turning them into homes or apartments. Tearing up the green belt is the wrong thing thing to do.

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Instead of building on protected lands perhaps you should look into building on cities that are less densely populated like north bay, focus on developing cities away from the gta and focus on building affordable housing and by affordable i means priced under $400000.

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It seems that these additions are too specific as if targeting certain lands and developments that are held up in the belt area therefore benefiting someone in particular or some entity. How will you achieve transparency in choosing where to remove and add? Lire davantage

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Keep your promises, Doug. Leave the Green Belt alone. Build in urban areas; we have plenty of room. Stop stealing from the people and the earth. You and your rich buddies will survive without more money at the average person’s expense.

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Reducing environmental protections and pushing forward with highways that support Ford's friends and large corporations will not help Ontarians. This is just one morally corrupt individual take more for his morally corrupt friends. Lire davantage

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I am against the proposed changes that will allow development of the green belt. I am also against the removal of the conservation authority review of land development proposals. Lire davantage

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Please do not cut up any of the greenbelt land. Ford promised three times to preserve it, most recently in his campaign last spring. Ontarians do NOT want either highway 413 or the greenbelt being cut up. Wetland, forest, and conservation areas must be preserved or their designation means nothing.

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This plan requires destroying wild life habitat. We should be aiming to create more green spaces and trying to find ways to increase habitat and protect the environment instead of destroying it. Lire davantage

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It’s truly devastating to see that this is something being proposed right now. The last thing this world needs is more protected land getting destroyed and developed for profit. There is more than enough space currently not in use to figure out a way to build more housing for Ontario citizens. Lire davantage

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The green belt is an important part of Ontario that is a habitat for wildlife, helps to prevent flooding, give us clean air to breathe and much more. It needs to be protected and there are other urban areas in the province that can be repurposed to help the housing crisis. Plus if Mr. Lire davantage

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To build on the green belt is to destroy the green belt, as well as this province's beauty. There are more resourceful, less damaging options available. Consider utilizing and repurposing existing unused buildings.

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This should not be done. We are already declining due to climate change. This plan will only further the destruction of humanity as we know it. Do not be greedy without think about the destructive consequences you will cause for Ontario.