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I am strongly OPPOSED to this proposal to open sections of protected Greenbelt land to development. Firstly, the Greenbelt boundaries were decided based on a variety of ecological and sociopolitical factors. Lire davantage

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The green belt is crucial to our animals, our ecosystem, our waterways and so much more! It would be DETRIMENTAL to all of Ontario to destroy such crucial land to build homes (that will flood) while there are empty office buildings and apartments sitting all around Toronto. Lire davantage

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Clearly this is the worst decision that can be ever made. This is not a solution to the housing issue or any other issue. This is to benefit private developers at the expense of our beautiful and valuable Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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The impact to our environment would be paramount if this greenbelt is touched. There are so many developed areas in Ontario that has population shortage. Why not direct immigrants to these areas to help further develop these cities then further saturate the GTA. Lire davantage

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Please, please, please do not allow development on the green belt. It is an extremely short sighted move. There is precious little protected space left and in the GTHA we have some our our most fertile land in the province and country. This is NOT what the people want. Lire davantage

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There are many unused office buildings in Toronto. Please consider using those as high density housing and protect the green belt from development. We need to repurpose what we have already developed, not cause more environmental destruction.

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Cannot see why anyone with any common sense will push for this kind of proposal. Why on earth more people and higher population density is a good thing is beyond me? It has been established that most of the environmental crises we faced today has to do with human, or too many of them. Lire davantage

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Political promises have consequences. The Doug Ford government has asserted that it would not develop the green belt and yet here we are. This tract of land is vital to the health of our province and for the health of the planet. Lire davantage

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Opening the Greenbelt is not going to help this province. We have voiced our needs, wants, and the solution to each problem or issues, yet it's been ignored. The Greenbelt is nature we should protect, wildlife and habitats that contributes to what makes our province great. Lire davantage

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Putting the Ontario green belt up for development is extremely irresponsible and short sited. It is not a sustainable plan. I am wholeheartedly against this proposal. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely wrong. We need to stop developing out and develop up. Use already developed urban sprawl that isn’t being used efficiently and develop high density accommodations. Lire davantage

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As a concerned citizen I do not agree with the destruction of our protected wetlands so they Doug ford can let his wealthiest friends and supporters build homes in the middle of nowhere. We need housing in the cities utilizing empty warehouses and abandoned buildings. Lire davantage

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I am against your initiative that removes hectares of the Greenbelt, even if you replace them. I have heard that the replacement hectares are already protected under other measures. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt should be protected, as the government has assured it would be. Energies for affordable housing should be focused on repurposing disused buildings in downtown Toronto, like highrises and office buildings.

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Stop taking away our green space. With the pollution levels so high we need this green space to filter out and clean our air. Not to mention the community have space to go to relax and enjoy family and recreational activities. Lire davantage