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The green belt is one of the most wonderful parts of Ontario. It would be better to leave it alone and build more medium density housing to support the expected population growth

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Chipping away at our protected lands is a destructive and regressive proposal. This and other moves to erode away our greenspace establishes a terrible precedent. This is unsustainable and dangerous. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible idea for our province and is transparently in favour of Ford’s developer friends. Use land which is not fertile should be used, not rich Greenbelt land. Invest in high speed rail and develop in areas outside of the GTA. Lire davantage

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Building on the greenbelt when the local democratic decision was against that. Well done Doug, how Authoritarian of you. Really just showing how little you care about anything except your buddies profiting from starving us.

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Mr. Ford, I have significant concerns about development on the green belt. Changes to the green belt will impact the environment and the nature around our city and province that is irreversible. There is enough land within Ontario for development and this should not be on the table

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I would like to raise my voice against the proposed changes to the Greenbelt. Sensitive environmental and agricultural lands should remain in tact for future generations. Lire davantage

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This proposal is a disaster. Instead of increasing urban density and improving mobility, the solution is to ruin the environment? Shameful. If this bill is passed I will not vote conservative next elections.