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You’re going to destroy exactly what makes this province so special. You’re going to destroy entire species in the process. You’re doing exactly what you promised you wouldn’t. There are other options!

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The green belt should stay as it is. Attempts to make it smaller are quite insulting and exemplify the reason why the green belt is needed. The last thing this city needs is more concentrated suburbia. Trying to touch the green belt is unacceptable

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I think it’s a horrible decision to just forgo why we even have a greenbelt in the first place and then have it taken away just to house a population of people that doesn’t exist or possibly that can’t afford to buy a home. Lire davantage

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Extremely disappointing to see the direction Ontario is headed in. First you destroy our healthcare system, then you attack our green belt??? What won’t you leave alone??? Doug Ford, the people of Ontario DO NOT want you to build on the green belt. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. I am particularly concerned about the: Lire davantage

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Please. Please just leave our land alone. It is not yours to destroy. The friends that will make money off of this are not actually your friends. Just business people. What you want to do is irreversible and terrifyingly dangerous.

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Please dont build on the greenbelt. I have been a conservative voter my whole life because of the strong defense of our environment. But if this party proves to no longer have those ideals i will have no choice but to support a different party who will. Lire davantage

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I think this is an absolute terrible idea. During Ford campaign you promised to leave the greenbelt alone. development along this corridor will benefit the wealthy only. We need to look at intensifying downtown development. Please don’t do this.

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The greenbelt should not be developed. The greenbelt protects the best farmland in the entire country. I simply cannot support losing Canada’s best farmland and replacing it with low density tract housing. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely abhorrent. Promises have been broken over and over and at a time when our natural resources are even more important for our future. The Greenbelt MUST be protected.

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Please reconsider this proposal immediately. While it seems like an easy option to accommodate the need for housing, there is a reason we have kept this land protected for so long. Lire davantage

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Selling off and developing the Greenbelt can never be undone. Do you duty to the citizens of Ontario and protect our land for future generations to come. Build elsewhere — this space needs to be protected. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible idea. You should be developing higher density projects. Not infringing upon our greenspace and expanding city limits. Low density developments will lead to more congestion, sprawl, and ecosystem degradation.

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Doug Ford promised he wouldn’t touch the Greenbelt. Now, he has tabled legislation to “unprotect” the Greenbelt so that his developer buddies can develop the properties they’ve been holding on to. Lire davantage

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This proposal should not be accepted; it is not in Ontario's best interest to sacrifice a critical ecosystem and damage our environmental health for the sake of urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford announced he would not touch the Greenbelt. That land should be protected at all costs. It’s very sad to see all of the land be taken away in this country for more developments, it is not what us Canadians need. Pay attention to the important things.