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Doug ford promised he would not touch the green belt and now he’s trying to go back on his word. Start using the empty offices in downtown Toronto to further develop, not protected green space.

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I am very concerned that we are harming our environment by considering building in the green belt. There is plenty of land in the current cities to increase density. Particularly along the bloor/danforth corridor in Toronto. There doesn’t seem to be an issue building up the density on Yonge street.

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We cannot allow this to happen. Doug promised he wouldn't do this and now, when our attention is on the CUPE strike he is trying to slide this under the radar. I think we should use all the empty buildings in the GTA and put them to good use, say low income housing???

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Leave the greenbelt alone, like you promised Doug Ford. There are so many other options; it's about time you start working for the people, on your $100,000 plus salary. We don't pay you to break promises. Lire davantage

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While I do support the addition of lands in the Paris-Galt area to the Greenspace, I do not support the modification of legislation to allow building on existing Greenspace areas. Lire davantage

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Housing is an issue in GTA for the lower income band. Building more mansions and communities out of GTA is not going to solve the housing crissi we are facing. The government needs to put its focus on low cost housing in our cities. Lire davantage

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Housing is an issue in GTA for the lower income band. Building more mansions and communities out of GTA is not going to solve the housing crissi we are facing. The government needs to put its focus on low cost housing in our cities. Lire davantage

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Do not go through with this. We need to protect these lands so future generations have a habitable environment to grow up in. What sort of precedent are we setting if this goes through?

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Bad, bad idea. Wetlands are a crucial part of our air and water quality, and are home to hundreds of mammal, bird, amphibian, reptile and aquatic species. F0rd said he would not touch the Greenbelt, but here he is going back on his word (it wouldn’t be the first time). Lire davantage

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Leave the green belt alone! This is highly destructive and dangerous environmental planning to destroy wetlands and conservation land. There is so much underutilization of land within the existing City of Hamilton footprint. Lire davantage

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This is an atrocious idea that needs to be stopped in its tracks. The Greenbelt is a protected area that needs to remain PROTECTED. Protected from development, protected from destroying the home of millions of creatures and nature. Lire davantage

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Adding to urban sprawl is the opposite outcome of what the green belt plan had intended. Energy should be spent on to increase the existing density of our cities, not on the easy development of expensive housing that benefits developers the most. Lire davantage

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Why is the Ford government going back on their word to not touch the protected green belt. They should be looking to repurpose many of the unused office building to create more housing, or high density low income residents. The people do not want this plan!