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I am disgusted with this government’s proposal to build on the green belt. I heard Doug Ford say that he needs 50000 homes and that we are in a housing crisis. First, how about repurposing all the empty buildings and land we have in the City of Toronto and GTA into housing? Lire davantage

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I am a business owner, employer of 80 Ontarioans, a home owner, and owner of commercial real estate, and I strongly disagree with eliminating the greenbelt in any way. As do our environmental agencies, natural resource ministries and 3rd party consultants. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt was meant to be permanently protected land. Continue protecting it and stop making Ontario feel like a dictatorship. Find alternative areas to build. Lire davantage

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Absolutely disgusting and shameful. I am so ashamed to be a resident of Ontario and I will do everything in my power to ensure the PCC never sees office again if you develop the Greenbelt. Have you considered not killing people and our planet?

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Horrifying. Why do we need to continue to stuff housing on top of housing in these areas? Greenbelt land has been established for a very good reason. Now we want to chip away at the only natural spaces that remain in these god awful towns? Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt should not be touched for housing and highway development. Climate change is worsening and we should not be making decisions now that will harm the environment for short term solutions. The Greenbelt is important ecological land and needs to remain untouched. Lire davantage

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As someone living in Ontario who still dreams of buying a home one day, I understand on a day to day basis, the affordable housing crisis. However, this proposal seems to attempt to tackle this problem through a single lens. Lire davantage

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Our province is in need of green spaces. To cut into the green belt, you will be removing opportunities for residents of this province to enjoy the outdoors. For many residents, we live in condos and do not have access to a backyard. Lire davantage

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I disagree with the plan to extended infrastructure into the Greenbelt. It destroys habitat and ecosystems that should very well be the forefront of political interests when it comes to climate changes and environmental sustainability. Lire davantage

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The plan to decimate part of the greenbelt to make way for housing is unethical, lazy, and villainous. There are many other avenues that can be better navigated to secure housing for those that need it. Lire davantage

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There are sections if the greenbelt area which could be used for new housing without destroying the land. The problem with developments us that they strip the land bare because it is easier to develop. Lire davantage

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The More Homes Built Faster plan will NOT address the housing crisis. The people most in need of homes need affordable housing, not single family detached houses that expensive and increase urban sprawl, and reliance on single occupancy vehicles. Lire davantage

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I am outraged by Doug Ford's plans for the Greenbelt. Besides this being an environmental catastrophe, the Greenbelt is also a significant source of Food and drinking water for this province. Lire davantage