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I am absolutely disgusted with this government’s distain for our environment. You promised to protect the Greenbelt! It is clear that the word of Doug Ford is worth less than nothing. Shame on you and your entire party for enthusiastically destroying what is left of our environment.

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I do not support the amendments to the plan. The greenbelt is precious land and sensitive land. It cannot be exchanged. There are other locations that can provide housing. Do not do this please!

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The Greenbelt is a unique advantage that Ontario holds. It benefits Ontarians economically through food protection and tourism, safeguards the vital resources that clean our air and water, reduces our flood risks, provides a home for wildlife, and ensures our communities have greenspace to explore. Lire davantage

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This plan is atrocious. Do not allow developers to pave over the greenbelt and do not force cities to expand their urban boundaries against the wishes of their residents. If a protected space can be cut up on a whim, was it ever really protected?

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I disagree with the proposal to reclassify protected land from the Greenbelt for development. Humans have already encroached extensively on the natural habitat and we need to do more to protect wildlife from urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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To Premier Ford and the Government of Ontario: I am writing to you as a deeply concerned member of the public to say that you must not touch the Greenbelt and to rescind immediately all proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. Lire davantage

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Ford's government promised not to touch the Greenbelt. The Greenbelt is supposed to be safe from development forever. There are so few green spaces left in southern Ontario. This would be a travesty.

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The Greenbelt consists of many ecologically significant areas including wetlands, grasslands, and forests, as well as prime agricultural lands. These ecosystems, wetlands in particular, are extremely important for biodiversity, water filtration, carbon sequestration, and erosion prevention. Lire davantage

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This is where our food comes from and clean ground water. The city can't keep sprawling out!! Stop taking away our green spaces. Build up not out! Our future depends on us being able to feed our citizens with local food!

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We need to incentivize building in areas that need to be redeveloped instead of stomping on the beautiful green belt Living in Niagara I see so many opportunities within cities of empty lots or old building that can be redeveloped. Lire davantage

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Do not shrink the Greenbelt by destroying it with housing development. People want more nature for mental health. People don't want to spend over an hour commuting and adding to the carbon footprint. Maybe work on infrastructure before demolishing land. Lire davantage

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It seem this government has a hard time keeping its promises. Before the election in April 2018, Doug Ford spoke to developers and told them he would allow development of the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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As a former resident of New Tecumseth and current resident of Toronto I have spent much time in the Greenbelt. It is vital green infrastructure. I do not support any removing or "redesignating" of this land. This proposed action is shortsighted. Lire davantage

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Seriously, this is ridiculous. Yes we need more housing, no we don't need to destroy the Greenbelt to do it (and stop trying to create a rationale for Hwy 413, we don't need that, either).

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I voted for Doug Ford as a first time voter, but after this legislation I will never again vote for him or the PC party. Stop this nonsense. There's plenty of other areas province wide that can be used to build houses. 50K homes isn't going to settle 1million immigrants. Lire davantage

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Never again will I vote for the progressive conservative party if this bill goes through. Stop your back tracking and destruction of our protected land. No immigrants are even gonna settle here, they cant afford your luxury condos.