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You are destroying our beautiful province, only to fill the pockets of the rich and at the expense of all living beings. Humans included... I got out and voted and can assure you, that it most definitely wasn't for blue... Lire davantage

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I am entirely opposed to any housing development in the greenbelt. Also, it is disgusting that you blamed the need for housing development on immigrants. I will be doing everything I can in order to make sure that the conservative party becomes unelectable in Ontario.

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Do not allow this to pass. The Greenbelt is one of the most important areas for wildlife. Toronto needs to stay green. Keep it the way it is, or better yet, expand the green belt!

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Due to the whole climate change situation, I think we should be careful before considering building on Greenbelt land, and should try to keep as much of it intact as possible. Lire davantage

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The Golden Horseshoe does not need more development. Better rent control will help resolve the housing crisis. New construction does little to help the economy, and it’s an environmental nightmare. Leave the green belt as it is and focus on real solutions for working people.

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I do not agree with the Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. It goes against the promises Doug Ford made to keep our Greenbelt in place and safe from developers. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose the proposed development of the green belt. Given the severe reality of climate change, the green belt is vital to prevent flooding and any possible gains are far outweighed by the environmental risks. Protecting the green belt should be a top priority.

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Completely disagree with this plan to build homes in green belt designated areas and urge the provincial government to reconsider destroying this habitat. Failure to do so would push me towards voting for a different political party in the future. Lire davantage

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The idea that you could “replace” land protected in the green belt by protecting land in a completely different city is not an equal replacement for the people who live in cities whose protected land is being removed. Lire davantage

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This proposal is a betrayal of the trust of the people of Ontario. Ontario voters believed Doug Ford when he said that he would protect the Greenbelt during his tenure as premier of Ontario. Lire davantage

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I do not agree with this proposal. It is important for the Ontario government to focus on the big issues that the citizens are concerned about. We do not need a new highway or big houses built. We need stable healthcare, education and affordable housing.

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I do not support removing land from the Green Belt. The housing crisis is real and so is the Climate Crisis. Leave the Green Belt alone and build housing closer to transit and jobs that people are looking for. Density is better than sprawl. Lire davantage

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I wholeheartedly disagree with the proposal to develop houses on the Green belt. There is so much land that is available that is NOT protected for environmental reasons. This proposal reads as a money grab for Doug Ford and his development friends. Lire davantage

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Please stop the building on the greenbelt. My family and extended family and friends are applaud that you are willing to destroy such sensitive land. You have lost many future votes from all of us. Stop Bill 23