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DO NOT override the green belt for housing. People need compact, middle and high density housing in areas where people’s jobs and the infrastructure supporting their lives exist (urban areas, cities and towns, etc), not in conserved green space! Lire davantage

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You have already broken so many promises and people are really struggling in Ontario. It would be deceitful and harmful to follow through with any sort of development in the green belt. Please stay true to your word on this for everyone's sake. Lire davantage

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I believe it is an incredibly selfish act which completely ignores all of the current needs of our society. The greenbelt must be protected. It doesn't exist for nothing. Developers should not be the rulers of our society. This endangers so much including our future. For our children, for us.

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Thank you in advance for reviewing my submission. Forgive me for being blunt, but this bill is hot garbage being disguised as an attempt to alleviate the housing need. In reality its just gutting municipal and environmental authorities in their planning processes. Lire davantage

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I am totally opposed to any development on lands in the Greenbelt. This is a precious area which stores carbon, mitigates flooding, and supports many species which are at risk. Add to the Greenbelt by all means for the health and wellbeing of all Ontarians. Lire davantage

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Please do not make changes to the green belt. I oppose these changes and diagree with Ford’s proposal. He promised not to touch the green belt and he is going back on his word.

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This is not responsible growth. Eradicating areas of protected green belt is not a needed solution or strategy and will cause irreversible damage to local watersheds and biodiversity. Lire davantage

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This is a horrible idea. Ontario already lacks fresh air and nature. Doing this will bring down the desirability of living in Ontario and the extra housing is just not worth the loss of nature that the government is willing to have. Lire davantage

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i don’t support this bill because: - it will result in the displacement of low-income tenants - it does not address support for housing displaced peoples - it will result in the loss of farmland you promised you wouldn’t touch the greenbelt. take your hands and your development off of it.

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We are losing green areas at every turn. There were promises made to ensure the protection of the greenbelt which would thus be broken by the removal of these areas. Lire davantage

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I am in support of the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan to meet the housing needs. I also feel there needs to be an amendment added that addresses Greenbelt lands that do not meet the criteria. Lire davantage

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The green belt needs to be preserved. Outward expansion makes housing that cannot sustain itself economically or environmentally. It will place a burden on our tax system. The connections between the Conservative party and the housing contractors cannot be ignored. Lire davantage

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Don’t touch the green belt! Stop destroying the natural areas with unaffordable subdivisions. Let’s make Ontario green again!! It will destroy so many natural habitats for wildlife.