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We should be conserving the green belts in Ontario. We are in the middle of a climate crisis so developing protected green space will destroy many ecosystems and habitats. There are many empty office spaces in Toronto. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is supposed to be a protected legacy. Once it is gone we cannot get it back. This is the opposite of what our country and environment needs and will do nothing to lower the cost of housing. This leaves no future for our children.

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Development within an already protected area of the Greenbelt should be avoided. The proposal to only remove as much land as is added to keep the total area of the Greenbelt the same or greater is a decent compromise. However this idea can only be acceptable if it is actually followed through. Lire davantage

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You can’t undo damage to the Greenbelt once it’s been done. The land is protected for countless species, to protect headwaters, and more. It is possible to build housing for new residents elsewhere - it is impossible to rebuild the delicate ecosystems being threatened once it’s too late. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt Act is about the protection of ecosystems. It is wrong to remove and add pieces of land as you see fit. Think about future generations, where will they grow their food, and connect with nature? By all means make the Greenbelt larger, but don’t take land away from it. Lire davantage

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I am in support of the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan to meet the housing needs. I also feel there needs to be an amendment added that addresses Greenbelt lands that do not meet the criteria. Lire davantage

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Stop developing land that doesn't belong to you. We need the forests to purify the air in our polluted cities and clean waterways. Promote secondhand home purchases and protect our animals' habitats and ecosystems.

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I fully support the amendments to remove land from the Greenbelt for housing to help ease the housing crisis in the GTHA. I have lived and operated a farm in Niagara for 27 years. The Greenbelt has done nothing to help sustain family farms. Lire davantage

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The Ontario government's proposal to remove 2,995 hectares of land from the Greenbelt would have far-reaching and irreversible negative consequences for our sensitive ecosystems if approved. The proposal should be dismissed for a number of reasons. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford promised he would not touch these lands. Here he is breaking another promise, his promises are empty and mean nothing. There’s enough vacant land around the Golden Horseshoe most densely populated cities. Lire davantage

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The concept that environmentally protected land could be turned into a housing development poses a major problem to the remaining environmentally protected land in Ontario, and creates a dangerous and disgusting precedent. Lire davantage

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I don’t agree removing the existing greenbelt. The government need to move companies outside GTA so people can move out of GTA. Its a crazy mess what GTA and surrounding areas have become. So I don’t support remove the current greenbelt but ask the government to move companies outside Toronto

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This proposal is terrifying. It will obliterate some of the last remaining forests in the south of this province. This is harmful and irresponsible. Citizens are too distracted by hospital overwhelm and underpaid school workers to realize this is happening.

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Developing Greenbelt land into residential space is shortsighted and takes the easy way out.I expect my government to be more creative in its solutions. I am also disappointed that our premier has broken his promise not to develop this land. He has lost my vote.