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I live in Toronto. My property backs onto the Humber River. I am concerned about flooding with the green belt being developed. I will never vote PC again if this goes through. I also have concerns about drinking water and loss of agricultural land. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible idea. Killing more green space for unaffordable, lifeless subdivisions and pointless strip malls. Driving out of the city is a depressingly repetitive sight. Lire davantage

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Do NOT build anything on the Greenbelt. It must be protected. Housing needs to be dense and affordable and close to transit. Bill 23 offers none of these. Climate action and housing go hand in hand. Lire davantage

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I would like bui!ding housing on the Greenberg to be reconsidered and cancelled. We need more housing but we need affordable housing on transit lines for lower income people not beautiful new housing that is too far and too expensive for most of us. Lire davantage

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For the sake of our children, future children and the eco systems that are at stake. I am asking to reconsider this proposal. Putting personal promises over democratic accountability is unjust.

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I’m confused as to why we need to remove land in the green belt to create more housing when we have plenty of land that is already available for housing and perhaps just needs rezoning to accommodate small, 5 storey apartment buildings instead of standalone houses. Lire davantage

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I have grave concerns about Bill 23. I believe the greenbelt should be preserved and our agricultural land protected. The Conservation Authority's ability to protect Ontario residents from natural disasters like floods should not be taken away as proposed in Bill 23. Lire davantage

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As currently written, The Amendments to The Greenbelt Plan is a disaster for Ontario. As the climate crisis worsens, wetlands are essential to stave off expensive floods, and farmland is increasingly valuable - yet this bill would introduce a new and exciting way to sell off and destroy both. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford promised in 2018 to not touch the greenbelt. We just recently had an election and he did not campaign on this proposed change -- because he knew he would receive backlash as he did in 2018. Lire davantage

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We need to protect the Greenbelt land and not develop it. There needs to be equal weight put to green areas they are protecting/creating as to areas they are developing. That’s the only way that this should be allowed to move forward.

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I object to these proposals to remove or redesignate parcels of the Greenbelt. We need the beauty of our natural areas, we must preserve our plant and animal diversity, protect sensitive ecosytems, the safety of our water and the cleanness of our air. All these are put at risk by this plan. Lire davantage

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The problem of housing is indeed a very severe one and a massive problem for the next generations in specific. There is no doubt something needs to be done. But this plan does not actually address anyone's concerns. Lire davantage

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I absolutely object to this consideration and planned action to review greenbelt space as building space. Do not rip up any further moraines nor the greenbelt. Your voters are not in support of this. Lire davantage