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Don't open the greenbelt. Work on densification rather than sprawl. It was promised it wouldn't be touched thane the federal government's plan to bring in more immigrants is not an excuse. Leave the greenbelt alone! Lire davantage

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Destroying the Greenbelt has irreversible consequences. Money is not more important than our environmental wellness. Focus money in the cities and create actual affordable housing solutions. Destroying Canada's natural beauty will haunt you.

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Destroying the green belt is a grave mistake that will impact our environment for generations. Please reconsider the unnecessary development of such a critical ecological space.

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This bill should not move forward. While I am fine to add land to plans to be protected, the removal of land from the green belt is not in the best interest of Ontario residents. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposal to remove 7,400 acres from the Greenbelt (ERO #019-6216 and #019-6217). I do not accept the government’s misleading premise that these Greenbelt lands are needed for housing. Lire davantage

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The backtracking of a promise not to touch the greenbelt originally given by the ontario government aside, the greenbelt is an integral part of the ecosystem of the province, and should not be infringed upon in any way. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposal to remove 7,400 acres from the Greenbelt (ERO #019-6216 and #019-6217). I do not accept the government’s misleading premise that these Greenbelt lands are needed for housing. Lire davantage

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Hello, I am opposed to any sort of development of the current Greenbelt. The farmland, wetlands ( significant, designated and not significant ), forests, Oak Ridges moraines- all of these crucially sensitive, natural ecosystems must remain protected.

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I am a concerned Ontarian writing to voice my opposition to Bill 23. The evidence collected in investigations of our housing crisis indicates that expansion is NOT the solution. Furthermore, we must prioritize ecological wellbeing. Lire davantage

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Leave the environment alone. There are plenty of houses available that are sitting empty because cost of rent is too high or rich people are owning multiple homes and only living in one. Destroying land is not the solution to the housing crises.

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Do not develop the greenbelt! There are currently even no considerations for affordable housing there. This is a terrible solution only being done to line the pockets of this premiers developer friends. It is an ecological nightmare and this land needs to be protected. Do not develop the green belt!

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Pushing suburbia deeper into the greenbelt is not a long-term solution to limited housing supply. Change zoning to encourage more dense multi-unit construction closer to city centres, instead.

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Leave the green belt alone and put those dollars back into the healthcare system to stop the senseless loss of life resulting from your governments intentional damage to our PUBLIC healthcare system. You’re killing our provinces vulnerable people AND our agricultural/protected wild spaces. Lire davantage

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This proposal will help absolutely noone that needs help. Just more millionaires screwing over the poors. Is Doug Ford getting a nice lot that backs onto a ravine as a kickback? What a joke...

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This proposal should not go through. The Greenbelt is a critical buffer against climate change, and there are better ways to solve the housing crisis. The land is protected for a reason. Do not develop it.