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Opening up more green belt land will not solve the house issues that all Ontario residents face. It will however line the pockets of the developers that purchased land in these areas. Building higher density, family residences such as 3+ br apartments is a better solution. Lire davantage

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I am totally opposed to changing the Greenbelt zoning as was previously planned. Housing should be increased by vertical expansion in current areas in Toronto and high speed rail connection to smaller communities outside the GTA. Lire davantage

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I am completely opposed to stealing land from the Greenbelt using this egregious and transparently false pretense. Anyone working on this should be completely ashamed of themselves. Every civil servant has the responsibility to undermine this in every way possible. Lire davantage

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This is not a fix to the lack of homes in our province. This is a short sighted plan that will make a few people money fast while helping destroy this province for everyone else and the environment. Everyone is against this except those who hope to directly benefit from it, eg. the home builders. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford made a promise to not touch the green belt. He needs to be held accountable to that. He should not build the new highway. If more housing is needed, then start building denser duplexes and triplexes. Lire davantage

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I do not support any development of the greenbelt. What is the point of protected land if the government can choose to open it for development to those who are willing to “donate” enough money to the elected party. Lire davantage

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Stop this amendment! We need to protect the greenbelt, and not give up more protected land to developers. The excuse given for the amendment is an invention of Mr Ford's government to help his friends, the developers. Lire davantage

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We need to build apartments and condos. Repurpose land used on older homes and make large density housing on them. Greenbelts should be used for recreation areas and or farming. There are tons of areas in Ontario that can be used for homes. Why does everyone need to live in the GTA.

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I am against Bill 23 for a number of reasons. If this is approved it will have significant negative impacts on Ontario’s heritage, natural environment and the ability to adapt to climate change. Lire davantage

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I am the proud displayer of a lawn sign that says "Doug Ford - Keep your Greenbelt Promise" in Guelph, Ontario. I'm not trying to be anonymous, but it's too difficult to sign in to your website with an account, so I'm submitting this way. Lire davantage

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I oppose the development of the greenbelt. I ask the Ford government to reconsider their decision to go back on their promise to not develop the greenbelt. Paving over this land will have great impacts on our environment.

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I am opposed to ANY removal of lands from the Greenbelt. I note that Premier Ford pledged to not remove any lands from the Greenbelt and has now reneged on that promise with this legislation. The whole ecological point of the Greenbelt is that the protection is guaranteed.