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The Greenbelt MUST be protected now and always. Our fresh water ecosystems and the diversity of our wildlife depend upon it. So too, does our ability to meet the climate crisis head on. Lire davantage

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We know that Ford is trying to develop the Greenbelt because his rich friends own the land. This is DISGRACEFUL. The Ford government promised not to touch the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Bill 23 is embarrassing. I considered voting for the conservative party over the past couple of years, but this is a deal breaker. Protecting farm land and natural habitats is long term thinking. Building more suburbs and supporting sprawl short term thinking. Bill 23 is shameful.

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I disagree with the proposal of Bill 23. Some concerns that I have: ● Building on the green belt will not address the shortage of affordable housing in communities major communities like Toronto ● Creation of homes in the Green Belt will facilitate expensive urban sprawl Lire davantage

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I wish to register my opposition to the proposed changes to the Green Belt plan. These lands are environmentally sensitive, and were to be protected for that reason. The excuse given for making the changes makes no sense at all. Protect the Green Belt.

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I believe our greenspace in the GTA is very necessary and find that enough of it has been removed for development. I don't believe that taking away more land from the greenbelt will be helpful for the environment or for the quality of life for residents. Lire davantage

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Build affordable housing geared to low income individuals. Tiny home communities, bachelor apartments geared to income. Clean housing. Double ODSP rates and increase that number yearly to inflation

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Proposed Modifications Map 6 and Proposed Modifications Map 9 get a big NO from me. I can understand incremental areas like on Map 3. But this land grab of protected land is too much.

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I am deeply concerned about the longterm impacts this proposal has on both the environment and how political agendas are achieved. The GreenBelt was created to prevent loss of farmland, restrict urban sprawl and develop communities in accordance with the Growth Plan. Lire davantage

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Greenbelt Act, 2005 This proposal is an absolute sham and criminal. It is particularly insulting as it stands to enrich developers with NO GUARANTEE of benefits to the public. PUBLIC LAND SHOULD SERVE THE PUBLIC. Lire davantage

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I understand the need for housing in Ontario. However, in this era of climate crisis and biodiversity decline, we need to keep the Greenbelt intact. This bill is born of a 1950s mentality. I expect much more from our provincial government. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. Lire davantage

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As an Ontarian I am strongly apposed to the Greenbelt changes being suggested by the Ford Government. This is not forward thinking for the longevity of the province but taking care of a few friends of the Conservative party for generating profits for only a small percentage of developers. Lire davantage

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Opening up the Green Belt to housing development is wrong. We need density building in our cities. We need to maintain the greenbelt for Ontario to be sustainable for our future. We need places for food to grow to support the 100,000’s of people moving to this province over the next decade. Lire davantage

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I'm not in agreement with this bill, I believe it will increase my property taxes to allow the building of infrastructure to support the new homes, and also, it can impact the climate as the green belt is protected. Lire davantage