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Bill 23 is likely to result in fewer and more expensive homes and higher costs for services. • It means less, and possibly no, energy efficient construction. • It will increase the number of cars on the roads, thus worsening pollution. Lire davantage

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I am against any removal of lands from the Greenbelt. This is a protected, environmentally sensitive area. We should add to the Greenbelt, not try to turn it over to developers. The Ford government promised on several occasions to forever protect this special area. Lire davantage

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There is absolutely nothing sacred to “ford nation” besides their holy dollar. Money is their god. Time and time again they’ve proven themselves unqualified to lead, and the longer they remain at the helm, the further Ontarians will suffer. Lire davantage

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I strongly disagree with allowing development on the greenbelt. We need to increase density on land already slated for development not increase sprawl and certainly not develop on protected green space. Tracy

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To: Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Re: ERO 019-6216 & 019-6217 Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan Comments - 11151 Weston Road, City of Vaughan For your consideration, I look forward to your comments. Regards, Vittoria Testaguzza for Pietro Andrisani Lire davantage

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Doug Fords plan to develop housing on the Greenbelt has no validly and will only benefit the billionaire developers who already own the land and have lobbied to have it rezoned for years. This plan should be defied by all who care about the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Keep you hands, and your developer friends hands off our future. We need to preserve the greenspace to preserve the livability of Ontario Force developers to build up not out. Enact common sense rent restrictions so lanord greed doesn't make housing unaffordable for a whole generation.

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To-The Honorable Premier Doug Ford; Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing I’m writing to you today in support of the Greenbelt, Conservation Authorities and Ontario’s wetlands, woodlands and other natural areas. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Ontario, I am against the provincial government taking away or redesignating any of the Greenbelt for new housing. Our farmlands, wetlands, flood plains and green spaces are important to our future generations and should not be touched. A. S.

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Trying to reach Ontario's housing goals through sprawl is completely at odds with several other goals that the province has related to being otherwise affordable, well connected, environmentally conscious, economically productive and inclusive. Lire davantage

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Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy

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The Greenbelt must be retained as promised to prevent sprawl and unreasonable servicing costs. There is plenty of room in urban areas which already have sewer, water, roads, sidewalks and parks and are walkable. We must reduce the dependence on cars. Lire davantage

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I am deeply disappointed in this government’s decision to push through Bill 23. There is only one greenbelt. This attack on nature, our farmlands will affect future generations of people and wildlife in a detrimental way. Please repeal this law. Nature itself is in jeopardy, and therefor so are we.

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Opening up the greenbelt for development is unlikely to influence the housing shortage as so many other factors that contribute to this problem are not being addressed appropriately. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt should be protected and not opened up for development. If anything additional lands should be added not removed. There are other ways to build affordable housing that have not been explored. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to the proposal to remove lands from the Greenbelt. I see no justification in the proposal as to why intensification of existing built up areas and development of designated greenfield areas cannot meet the proposed housing demand of 50,000 homes. Lire davantage