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Spring Lakes Golf Club

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Spring Lakes Golf Club (63 Golf Inc.) would like to assist the Ontario Government, on achieving their goal of building 1.5 million homes over the next 10 years. We would like to enter discussions with the Ministry, on the possibilities of rezoning our 322 hectares of Greenbelt property. Lire davantage

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I am appalled and disgusted with your government's decision to build on the greenbelt. These lands as you are aware but painfully ignore are vital to growing food and where there are wetlands, protecting and cleaning ground water. Lire davantage

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With the official plans being updated and changes to the urban boundaries there are already 14,075 hectares (34,780 acres) available for development in parts of southern Ontario, which include • 4,647 hectares (11,483 acres)of new urban land added in Peel Region Lire davantage

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Subdivisions do not solve tax, infrastructure or housing problems. It seems the epitome of short sighted thinking to remove active carbon sinks in the midst of a climate crisis. There are better and more appropriate ways to meet the housing demand.

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Please stop this move to open up our Greenland to development. This for our grandchildren’s future and not to put money into the pockets of developers. Develop the 80000 that has already been marked for development . PLEASE

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This is despicable. I emphatically condemn the Ontario government's plan to open Greenbelt lands for housing. The entire point of the Greenbelt is that these lands remain untouched and undeveloped. Lire davantage

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We do not support Bill 23 and rezoning or building in the protected lands in this Province. If the Ford government wants to build new housing they should do so with the thoughtful consultation of the local governments and build housing that benefits moderate to low income families in Ontario. Lire davantage

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Green belt is one of the most important areas of Ontario. Taking it away and distributing to developers is an irresponsible act of Ford government. Once the land is taken, it is gone forever. Lire davantage

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This new proposal is nothing but destructive only to save a few minutes on one’s commute. We need to prioritize pour earth over the connivence of getting to work 10 minutes earlier. Stop the GreenBelt Plan!

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Green space is so important for our communities and our collective health and well-being. We should not prioritize another highway. As a taxpayer and resident of Toronto, I am against this proposed amendment.

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Why ruin this protected land? Once we develop it we can never get it back. Please consider protecting our most precious resource and prioritize housing density rather than sprawl.

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After travelling to other provinces, and consistently seeing how much respect they have for their natural landscapes, and preserving nature it is consistently disappointing to recognize Ontario’s lack of respect for nature and green space. Lire davantage

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I am concerned about the expansion of development that is proposed by this government that will cut into the Greenbelt. Reports are that there is already enough land for urban growth without boundary expansion. Lire davantage

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I am absolutely against changing any aspect of the green belt. In todays climate, all southern green spaces should be kept. There are other solutions to housing crisis - high rise buildings with multiple units, revamping abandon areas and relocation North. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Ontario I am absolutely appalled by the proposed changes to Greenbelt space for development by the Ford government. Doug Ford promised that the Greenbelt would remain protected and this proposal breaks this promise his government made to voters. Lire davantage

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The current proposal by the Ontario Conservative Party, under Premier Doug Ford, to build "affordable" homes on The Greenbelt is a broken promise and a betrayal of the public interest. Lire davantage