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Would very much like to see, in advance of any changes to the Greenbelt Plan, the Premier, Steve Clark, and all developer owners of the protected lands in question to be thoroughly investigated by the Attorney General before any ratification of the Greenbelt Plan. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt needs to stay protected period. This sets a dangerous president that will mean any protected land can be open to develop later on if it is deemed suitable to do so. Please stop this government from proceeding with this plan to turn this amazing land into another suburban eyesore.

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As someone born and raised in the GTA, Ontario's Greenbelt has been part of my upbringing. I have fond memories of weekends spent hiking local trails, treading through Hamilton's waterfalls and enjoying the drives beside Greenbelt land. Lire davantage

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I am appalled at the arbitrary, illogical, and probably illegal way Bill 23 is taking farmland out of the Greenbelt. The Greenbelt needs to be strengthened, not destroyed. Lire davantage

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What is the definition of the word 'protected'? Does it no longer hold any value? The Ford government has launched an attack on land that was promised to our children. Land that we enjoy surrounding our communities, land that protects us from flooding. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose this plan. I oppose this government awarding developers rights to profit without competition. I oppose developing on sensitive environmental areas intended to protect our wetlands and preserve nature. Lire davantage

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I support an open letter from leading architects and urbanists of Ontario regarding Bill 23. I do not believe that current Bill 23 will tackle a housing crisis. I support an open letter from leading architects and urbanism of Ontario regarding Bill 23. Lire davantage

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This is so wrong. It is messing with so many things that will affect our children and grandchildren’s future. It messes with farming, with nature, with clean water and clean earth. There are so many other ways and places to build that won’t have such devastating consequences to our future.

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Destroying the greenbelt is very short minded and damage to important lands like this can’t be mitigated. These headwaters for the GTA contain the lifeblood for Lake Ontario and residents downstream. Lire davantage

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Stop this unholy madness. We were promised on numerous occasions that the green belt would never be developed. This is a travesty that is based on greed and insider trading. Lire davantage

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Leave the green belt protected, undisturbed and natural! Stop sprawling into green areas. Build up, not out. Build smarter and more sustainably - in the grey belt, in existing suburban and urban areas. See article “Densification of cities as a method of sustainable development”. Lire davantage

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Don’t give up any green space land we have! I am nobody, a grandmother who lives in rural Ontario, but I know once green space is gone, it’s gone forever. We need to live in a tighter space not sprawl all over our beautiful province. Lire davantage

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I am 100% OPPOSED TO BILL 23. The Auditor General's report of this week makes it clear that there is not enough verified environmental data to go ahead with this massive development and disruption of Lire davantage

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The Ford government is killing our healthcare system, has allowed our crumbing longterm care homes to completely turn to rubble (allowing thousands of seniors to die and suffer during the worst waves of the pandemic, is further destroying our already broken child welfare system and now he wants to Lire davantage

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As an life long Ajax resident and environmental scientist I am vehemently against opening up the Greenbelt. The assertion that opening the Greenbelt will provide much needed opportunities for housing development is absolutely ridiculous. Lire davantage