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The Provincial Policy Statement is a science-based policy framework that has been in place since 1997. What is the science behind the decision to remove land from the Greenbelt Plan? Lire davantage

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As members of the Wellington-Halton Hills Chapter of the Citizens' Climate Lobby, and concerned citizens of the Town of Erin and Georgetown, we strongly oppose the Ford government’s proposed changes to the Greenbelt for two major reasons: Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my strong opposition to your proposal to remove 7,400 acres from the Greenbelt (ERO #019-6216 and #019-6217). I do not accept your government's misleading premise that these Greenbelt lands are needed for housing. Lire davantage

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I am strongly against the destruction of the Greenbelt. It was supposed to be protected “In Perpetuity” which as far as I know means Forever, but apparently it means until someone with money wants to develop it. Lire davantage

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Not a fan of this. The Greenbelt needs to be preserved. Nature in the area needs to be preserved. There is undeveloped and poorly utilized land within existing cities and townships - use that instead. Lire davantage

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I do not think that we should be removing 7400 acres from the greenbelt. Especially in Ontario, because we are the most densely populated region in Canada, we need to preserve as much greenbelt as we can, for agriculture, recreation, and simply to protect nature and wildlife ecosystems. Lire davantage

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Why is this even being considered? Doug Ford vowed to never touch the Greenbelt and has gone back on his word. The Globe and Mail found at least nine properties on land to be carved out of the Greenbelt were sold for a total of more than $300-million after Mr. Ford became Premier in 2018. Lire davantage

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Please do not remove the protections of the greenbelt and commit to more urban sprawl. We need the agricultural land for food security, habitat preservation, and flood plain protections. This land is important for our long term sustainability. This plan for homes is not. Lire davantage