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I do not agree with opening the Greenbelt for development. This will not solve the housing crisis in Ontario, especially as any houses built in this area would not be affordable for the average Ontario citizen. Lire davantage

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“Environmental Defence's research made separate emissions projections based on Canada reaching its electric vehicle goals, noting that even in that best-case scenario, with more electric cars, Highway 413 would still result in 13 million tonnes of added emissions”. Lire davantage

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Do not go ahead with developing the green belt! It’s a terrible idea and will permanently destroy lands that are vital to our environment. As a long time conservative, if the Ford government goes ahead with this I’m NEVER voting conservative again. That’s it. I’m done. Do the right thing. Lire davantage

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I am very concerned by the proposed remapping of the green belt. In particular, it appears to shift protected zones from near higher density areas to an "out of the way" part of the province. I was proud of our province for protecting undeveloped natural land as well as agricultural land. Lire davantage

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I am against the removal of any lands for the existing Greenbelt. It is my understanding that enough land is already available for development within existing municipal boundaries to meet the requirements for the housing targets. Lire davantage

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I'm a resident of Toronto (where Doug Ford repeatedly targets) and I am unequivocally against opening and constructing on the Greenbelt and unequivocally against selling Ontario Place and the beautiful nature that belongs to the people. Lire davantage

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This would be a colossal mistake negatively affecting the future generations of Ontarians. It smells too much political “ you scratch my back, and I will scratch yours,”. “let’s make our friends rich so they can donate back to our party then they can offer us lucrative jobs and board positions. Lire davantage

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As a lifelong citizen of this province for 32 years, I have consistently watched more and more protected wetlands and green spaces taken away by our provincial and federal government. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford said he would not develop in the Greenbelt and yet he backtracked on his promise right after the 2022 election without thinking about how Ontarians would feel. We don't want any development in the Greenbelt, no matter the reason. Lire davantage

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Despite repeated promises that there would be no removal of lands from the Greenbelt, the Government of Ontario is proposing to do just that: carve 7,400 acres out of the Greenbelt for development (ERO #019-6216 and #019-6217). Lire davantage

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I was considering purchasing vacant land in Mulmur to build a small passive home (off the grid, grey water, better building materials such as triple glazed windows and materials that off gas less). The property is under 2 conservation authorities NVCA and NEC. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is critical for the environmental health of our province, and for the mental and physical health of our citizens. My kids grew up walking the greenbelt pathways and it made our family stronger. Lire davantage

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The proposal to build a highway does not make any sense and it is being done solely with capitalistic intent. Building a new highway will not reduce traffic, the commute will not be shorter, and it is needlessly destroying precious ecosystems.

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In 2018, Doug Ford promised he would not touch Greenbelt lands. He knew at that time that the general public IS NOT in support of any removal of protected lands, so why is he now breaking that promise? We are in a climate crisis. Lire davantage

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I am firmly opposed to these greenbelt changes. I believe that it is completely unnecessary to achieving the goal of building more housing of the type needed. Instead it will result in the building of over-priced, standalone houses in sprawled communities Lire davantage

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Hands off the Greenbelt please. There is no shortage of land to be developed for affordable housing. The Greenbelt is protected land and it needs to stay that way, regardless of what political party reigns. It is critical to our long term survival. Lire davantage

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The Ontario government must stand by their promises to protect the green belt from development. It is an essential part of Ontario’s unique ecosystem and farm land. I say NO to developing this land.