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As a life-long naturalist and birder in southern Ontario, I am keenly aware of how quickly habitat is disappearing. This is especially so here in Southern Ontario. Habitat loss is the number one reason why bird numbers are crashing. Lire davantage

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I cannot believe that in 2022, after all the known research about how devastating developing on designated green belts is for our native species, that this is even being considered. Shame on you.

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I have a real problem with the lack of protections for our green spaces and wet lands. I have a read a lot about how this bill will not promote the sale of Affordable Lire davantage

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I think this policy of swapping land in and out of the Greenbelt is short-sighted and will cause long-term environmental impacts that cannot be reversed once implemented. The Greenbelt is an important ecological concept that should not be subject to change. Lire davantage

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Honestly? Y'all need to be told not to build houses on environmentally protected land? Even if wetlands and flood plains weren't crucial to non-human ecosystems (which they very much are) do you really think it's worth building residential structures on such wet, unstable land? Lire davantage

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It is time for this government to stop making easy choices and start listening to the experts who give advice that the Ford government ignores. We want further densification in our Toronto neighbourhoods - not more urban sprawl and paved over farmland. Not everything has to be an 80 story tower! Lire davantage

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Loss of protected areas is a slippery slope and in no way sustainable. Population growth must be slowed. The greenbelt is the lungs for Metro Toronto, we will end up with degraded air and water quality as we lose the ecosystem services provided by these areas...

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DO NOT BUILD ON THE GREENBELT IF YOU WANT YOU, YOUR FAMILY AND GENERATIONS TO COME HAVE A SAFE, HEALTHY AND BEAUTIFUL ENVIRONMENT TO LIVE IN!!!! Enough is enough now! It’s time to focus on ourselves which is the environment we live in.

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I strongly oppose the Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. My concerns are as follows: the Amendments seriously undermine the effectiveness and relevance of Conservation Authorities; Lire davantage

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Please avoid using the Greenbelt for development. We need to preserve our green space for our future and there are many other spaces where building can take places that does not impact our water system and our well-being. Lire davantage

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What a horrible, terrible proposition. The Greenbelt is meant to protect land that is vital to our headwaters, to our food production.... we CANNOT keep sprawling. Every single expert knows this. And yet this government thinks it can benefit from a loophole in the Greenbelt Act and do a land swap. Lire davantage

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It is unconscionable that this is even a consideration. The Green Belt is such an important part of Ontario and should not be used as space to build houses or for any other building development. It should remain as green space that we as humans need! Lire davantage