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I strongly oppose the changes being proposed in these bills. We must protect farmland, environmentally sensitive areas and prevent sprawl. Lire davantage

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Ontario, Canada is not a manufacturing province and we felt that during the pandemic ,relying on the US, Europe and China for everything from ventilators to masks to vaccines. Ontario,Canada has no way of protecting itself from foreign intrusion without reliance on allies. Lire davantage

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This proposal sounds like another underhanded move to bring us closer to a Totalitarian State. We can clearly see the ushering in of laws, bills, policies to coral us into 15 minute cites and removing agriculture, ie. food. Lire davantage

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We need to build housing but leave the farm land. I understand the need for housing and to make use of land already cleared in municipalities or repurpose empty buildings. This bill is removing or encouraging the use of good farm land without the forward thinking of where will food be grown. Lire davantage

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I am concerned about the proposed policy Two issues are of primary concern for me. Lire davantage

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While I can appreciate the government's viewpoint of supporting homebuyers and catering opportunities to an ever-growing provincial population, I strongly oppose the recent proposal to increase development, particularly in rural areas. Lire davantage

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Protection of farm land should be of the first priority, even from solar and wind farms. Use solar on current housing first. Do not use prime farm land for housing, or developments of any sort.

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It seems like every day I’m fighting something that this government is trying to push through where the public has no idea what the real implications are. Lire davantage

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Bill 97 is one of the best possible things that could have happened for ontario’s small family farmers. Lire davantage

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Please do not threaten farmlands in Ontario by allowing for splitting up agricultural lands. Not only is this bad for Ontario since farmers feed cities, it also affects those of us who live out in the county on farms hoping for a quiet and enjoyable life without subdivisions in our backyard.

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We are farmers... Rural-Residential zoning in North York and fully support your Bill 97 and in particular the proposed change to build housing for Farm Help and - as would be our case - housing for our retirement. Lire davantage

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There have already been studies completed that show there is ample land available for housing around already serviced areas. It makes no sense to continue pursuing building on the Greenbelt and farmland, which is not serviceable for large numbers of residential units. Lire davantage

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A nation needs Farmland to secure itself from the perils of degraded markets and to provide its own citizens with internal food security. Lire davantage

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As a worried Canadian, I am disheartened to learn that this policy has been put forward. Farmers are the heart and soul of food for all Canadians. The thought that farmland is being considered to be used for building houses is unthinkable. Lire davantage

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The majority of Ontarians do not want your government to go in the green belt or taking over our farm land. Mr. Ford promised before he was elected he would not touch our green belt…He lied and people are fed up with politicians who do not keep promises. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to the proposal to replace the PPS. The proposed changes are jeopardizing years of progress in land use policies. Removing mandatory intensification and greenfield density targets is directly counter to the Province's efforts to increase the supply of all forms of housing. Lire davantage

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Regarding ERO#019-6813 - I live in a rural area on a 20 acre property, zoned rural, and therefore precluded from subdividing. Lire davantage

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Do not allow farmland to be opened up to residential development. We are already losing our farmland and our ability to feed our people, thereby making us more dependant on other countries for food. Lire davantage

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Stop giving away the farmland we will need to sustain our own province in the future. This is NOT ok at all. Lire davantage