First off, the culture war needs to die; cyclists are still residents of Ontario and are often also drivers. Cyclists just choose to commute on a bike because that's the most efficient way to get around the city, because there's TOO MUCH TRAFFIC. Why do you think removing bike lanes will reduce traffic? Bike lanes get bikes OUT of the way of drivers, preventing cyclists from clogging up lanes either by taking a vehicle or claiming the lane instead. When there are no bike lanes, bikes are legally entitled to take the whole right lane. How slow do you think traffic is going to move then?
More importantly, bike lanes literally save LIVES. It is jaw-dropping that you think the possibility of shaving mere minutes off a commute is worth the lives of other citizens who also live in Ontario and who might also drive. "But wait," you claim, "Put the bike lanes on side streets". Why do you think city planners put them on major arteries to begin with? Residential side streets discourage traffic, including bike traffic, by design. Toronto is not a perfect grid. It is not only extremely inefficient to put bike lanes on side streets, but the same residents who would oppose having an extra lane of traffic cutting through their neighbourhood are going to oppose the inclusion of bike lanes. If you remove bike lanes from the major streets, you are further jeopardizing an already vulnerable population of road users who are just trying to get to their destination. Their deaths will be on your hands.
Soumis le 23 octobre 2024 9:47 AM
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Projets de loi 212 – Loi de 2024 sur le désengorgement du réseau routier et le gain de temps - Cadre en matière de pistes cyclables nécessitant le retrait d’une voie de circulation.
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