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The shortsighted actions of this government are an affront to future generations, Ontario’s standing nationally and internationally. As the world mobilized around the opportunity presented by greening industry, businesses and communities, Ontario is and will fall behind. Lire davantage

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I want Ontario to end subsidies and handouts for fossil fuels and to return funds collected from carbon taxes and other clean energy incentives to the public in a manner that encourages a reduction in the use of fossil fuels.

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Let’s not make Ontario lose progress and head in reverse by repealing the Green Energy ACT without any positive replacement! Specifically, I am concerned about reversing any progress we have made in Ontario on Environment and our support of Canada’s commitments to global accords. Specifically, Lire davantage

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I want Ontario to put a price on pollution, making polluters pay for their emissions, have all Ontarians try to reduce energy usage because they cannot afford it, and then returning the revenues to the pockets of Ontarians so they can lower their carbon footprint.

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Why is this government so fixated on reversing all the progress our society has made over the past two decades. You're trying to put things back to the way they were when cellphones were big plastic bricks that you had to pull the antenna out of. Lire davantage

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Stepping away from a functioning system that will help the planet and in the long run help the economy makes no sense. We need leaders that will ensure that the future will be available for the next generation. Lire davantage

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Ontario needs a real climate change plan with strict carbon and greenhouse gases emissions limits. A price on pollution is an incentive for polluters to reduce there emissions and invest in green technologies. Lire davantage

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This is a complete reversal of all of the current thinking and trends on climate change. It represents a government who panders to big business and the wealthy and eschews the values of common Canadians and the common sense of the world environmental stance. Lire davantage

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We need this act. Ontario isn’t doing much to deal with climate change and this is our only step. Please support this act as much as possible. We must have ontario powered by clean energy asap.