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Water is life and it's not for sale. These wells are the property of the people of Ontario and not greedy and environmentally reckless corporations. Never mind a moratorium send Nestle's and other corporations like it packing and the hell out of our backyard.

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Why would Ford's minions need the extension of another year before coming to a decision. It makes absolutely NO sense and should be acted on NOW; not a year from now.

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Canada is a country where water is plentiful, not to say we cannot do better. I refuse to pay a company for water they took from my land!

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Ontario water belongs to Ontarians. It should not be for sale to be resold to citizens. It should be cherished and preserved--not given away to Nestle or other companies for pennies to be sold back to us in single use containers. Extend the moratorium.

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Water should not be sold for profit by corporations. Water is more precious than gold or silver. Life is not possible without water Our household was without water for 1 month Please protect our most precious ressource from greed and contamination Lire davantage

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There is no reason to allow anyone to take our water, for a laughably low price at that, and put it in plastic bottles that are creating so many problems. There’s not enough benefit to outweigh the environmental costs. People need to transition away from bottled water and use reusable containers. Lire davantage

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If we are having so many problems with these plastic bottles why would you renew their permits. They should start cleaning up the mess. And selling these bottles elsewhere isn't going to solve anything. Lire davantage

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I fully support this extension to the moratorium on water-taking. But a moratorium is a temporary measure. A more robust long-term strategy needs to be in place that is in the interest of our country. I would suggest: Lire davantage

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I fully support th proposed extension for the reasons noted on this site. It makes sense to do the full analysis and further public consultation. This is a critically important issue for Canadians. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow the permit on water taking for bottling purposes to continue. Water is a basic human right, and not a commodity. Nestle cannot be allowed to continue to profit while our area expands and grows, putting more demand on water use in our own personal lives and businesses. Lire davantage

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A person can survive without or with very little food for a very long tme. No water, and life expectancy drops to a few days.Drinking water should be available to everyone free of charge. Lire davantage

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Any permit that further allows or promotes the increase in plastic, the false promotion of inadequate city drinking water and the pillage of ground water should be stopped.

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To reduce our Canadian/world carbon footprint we need to eliminate single use plastics such as the millions of bottles Nestlé contributes to the climate change crisis every day. Lire davantage

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This moratorium needs to be permanent. Bottled water is contributing to ocean pollution and the dangerous effects on marine life and ocean life. Also, the taking of Ontario water is theft and highway robbery of our precious resource . KEEP IT IN THE GROUND WHERE IT BELONGS NATURALLY.

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Hi, I want you to know that I am against Nestle taking groundwater to sell in plastic, one use bottles, and making those available to the public to distribute into our environment. Environmentally speaking plastic bottles are not good things to even be producing! Lire davantage

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Please extend this moratorium indefinitely. We must protect groundwater and aquifers for future generations. We should not be allowing private corporations, or multinationals, to consume this essential resource Especially when they wrap it in unnecessary plastic

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Ontario needs to have modern water taking policies that prioritize Ontario’s groundwater for communities and safeguards water quantity for generations to come. The Ontario government needs to act based on evidence-based policies.