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This is the bare minimum of what should be happening. Bottled water is not only not necessary, it’s an atrocity. Taking our natural resources to up sell them and create devastating pollution should be illegal. Extend the moratorium and then expel all water bottling companies from Ontario.

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Ontario’s water is our most precious resource - please do NOT allow any company to take our water to be put into plastic bottles and profits into the pockets of rich companies like Nestle. Ontario’s water should NEVER be sold!!

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I support the proposal to amend the Ontario Regulation 463/16 to extend the moratorium for 9 months, ending October 1, 2020. Personally, I think there should be a full ban on water takings in Ontario for at least 5 years. Ontario should not be open to privatizing or selling our water. Lire davantage

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Hello, I think it is a good idea to extend the moratorium while you are still not sure of the final analysis. I understand the Tier 3 for the Centre Wellington area designated this area as is the Guelph/Guelph/Eramosa area at "significant" risk. Lire davantage

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I am writing to show my support for NOT allowing corporations to deplete Ontario's supply of drinking water so that they can bottle it and sell it back to us. Personally I think the use of commercially sold bottled water is necessary for most people most of the time. Lire davantage

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I'm fine with resource extraction, as long as the province gets a good value for the resource. Set the price properly, as high as possible without losing the companies to different jurisdictions. Lire davantage

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I strongly applaud your consideration of this proposal, the act of a forward thinking government. This is a serious issue, water is life, and serious care must be taken with it. Thank you.

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If Nestle continues to regard Canada as a third world country, then we will definitely slid into this state. Water is now our valuable resources (oil) just like for our future kids.

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I don't believe that air and water are for sale as they are essential to life itself. Furthermore, it's not ours to sell. There is no justification for packaging it in plastic bottles that then contaminate our environment. It's a disgrace!

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Ontario Regulation 463/16 must be the amended to extend the moratorium for at least a minimum of 9 months, ending October 1, 2020 or possibly even later into the future. Lire davantage

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Ontario needs to have modern water taking policies that prioritize Ontario’s groundwater for communities and safeguards water quantity for generations to come.

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This world is heading towards a water shortage crisis. The last thing we should do is sell off this precious resource for the profits of a few private companies. Ontario's water belongs to the people and should be kept for our own use. Lire davantage

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Having dealt with the Permit To Take Water program and the effects of the water takings under those Permits for many years, it is obvious that those opposing the issuance of permits to bottled water takers simply can't comprehend or possibly even want to listen to facts indicating how minuscule the Lire davantage

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No one should be allowed to use Canadian water for commercial purposes. If the government does decide to allow this against the public's wishes then the should pay dearly to the Canadian taxpayers for the privilege. I would say at least 50% of their proceeds for the use of our water.

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This moratorium should continue for ever. I can't believe we need to study whether or not fresh water should be given, or even sold, to a company packaging it in plastic for resale.