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The Region of Waterloo has a very balanced and effective municipal plan. It has reduced sprawl, protected farmland and water resources while intensifying downtown population very effectively. Lire davantage

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Please approve Waterloo Region's Official Plan Amendment 6. because I save money by buying locally produced food because my family is healthier from eating food grown locally, by people I can know and trust Lire davantage

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Please find our comments, and recommendations with respect to ROPA 6 as it relates to the site at 330 and 335 Farmers Market Road in the Township of Woolwich for your consideration. Lire davantage

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I strongly support Region of Waterloo land use policy. I am strongly opposed to annexing land from protected space to build housing when there are so many options available.

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Please approve Waterloo Region's Official Plan Amendment 6 as it was submitted, with no changes. After months of work and input from residents and groups across the entire region, it was overwhelmingly approved by all our municipalities and Regional government this past summer. Lire davantage

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Comments on ERO 019-5952 – Approval to Amend a Municipality’s Official Plan Amendment No. 6 to the Waterloo Region Official Plan Lire davantage

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I have the following qualifications to comment on the environmental aspects of this amendment: 1) I have a PhD from the University of California, Davis in agricultural and resource economics with a specialization in environmental and resource economics 2) I am a fellow of the Global Land Programme 3 Lire davantage

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Malone Given Parsons Ltd. (“MGP”) and IBI Group are the planning and land economic consultants for Schlegel Urban Developments Corp. (“Schlegel”), who own multiple properties in southwest Kitchener. Lire davantage

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Malone Given Parsons Ltd. (“MGP”) and IBI Group are the planning and land economic consultants for Schlegel Urban Developments Corp. (“Schlegel”), who own multiple properties in southwest Kitchener. Lire davantage

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Please approve Waterloo Region's Official Plan Amendment 6. There are truly so many good reasons why the ERO and Government of Ontario should APPROVE (not change) Waterloo Region's Official Plan. For me, these include among many others: Lire davantage

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Please approve Waterloo Region's Official Plan Amendment 6. There are truly so many good reasons why the ERO and Government of Ontario should APPROVE (not change) Waterloo Region's Official Plan. For me, these include among many others: Lire davantage

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Waterloo Region Home Builders’ Association (WRHBA) participated in the process leading up to the adoption of Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 6 (ROPA 6), including the submission of two written comments. Lire davantage

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I believe our Regional plan was well consulted with many stakeholders. It meets the needs of our Region and the province. We need to respect processes that have already occurred . Our area is full of some of the best farm land in the world. Lire davantage