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This opening of the greenbelt is nothing more than blatant corruption on the part of Doug Ford and his developer cronies. With the current climate crisis and disappearing wildlife, destroying essential wetlands and green space is not the way to go. Lire davantage

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Do not bend to pressure from developers, which is who will truly benefit and profit from this decision. These homes will not be affordable or nearly dense enough to help solve the housing problem. Lire davantage

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Strongly against this proposal. It only benefits Ford-backed developers who bought this land for pennies a years ago with D. Ford promising to change legislation. It hurts greenbelt, ecology and increases sprawl. Lire davantage

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The recent and ongoing pandemic have underscored the importance of maintaining the greenbelt for not only the ecological health of Ontario but for the preservation of our climate, recreational opportunities, and as evidenced by the vast number of people making use of local parks and trails, our ment Lire davantage

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What has changed with having the lands protected before the current government and past governments? In my opinion this sounds like corruption 101 and if it isn't, it certainly looks like . Why isn't anyone looking into this? Lire davantage

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I oppose the plan to remove or redesignate Green Belt Lands. Yes, there is a desperate need for more housing in Ontario, but it does not make sense to destroy farmland and wildlife habitats for this purpose. Increasing housing spaces in existing cities and suburbs would be far smarter. Lire davantage

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The current proposal to steal 7,400 acres (11square miles) of critically important legacy watershed environment from Ontario and Canadian citizens is absolutely unconscionable and an outright lie to people who elected you to government. Lire davantage

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please rethink your plan to make amendments to the green belt Plan. Just as important as affordable housing is the conservation of our land. As it is we have very limited green belt areas. It has been proven that being in nature is important to ones mental health. Lire davantage

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Hello, thank you for allowing me to comment. I am against the proposed opening of the Greenbelt. It is not ideal from an environmental point of view. The greenbelt serves a purpose to allow for a natural area near developed areas where water and air can be purified naturally. Lire davantage