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I am strongly opposed to the government's plan to open up the Greenbelt to development. The Premier previously promised to protect the Greenbelt, but has now broken that promise. Lire davantage

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I am very opposed to the expansion into the greenbelt. Preserving the greenbelt is essential for maintaining local ecosystem services including, biodiversity and fresh water provisioning. Selling out to developers is not beneficial to Ontarians in the long run.

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I am deeply concerned about the Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. My background is in civil and transportation engineering, and while the area of urban growth is not my expertise, I took several courses in urban and spatial planning. Lire davantage

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I strongly object to this Bill, as it will devastate protected natural environments, without contributing to affordable housing. The answer to the lack of affordable housing is intensification of existing urban infrastructure. Lire davantage

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AMO says Bill 23 indicates the transfer of up to $1B a year in costs from private sector developers to property taxpayers without any likelihood of improved housing affordability. Lire davantage

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Sprawl is not the answer to the housing crisis. We will just have more houses being bought by investors that will not solve the housing crisis. The only ones that will gain are the developers. There is not enough land to house everyone in a single family home. Density is the answer. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible idea. More generally, the majority of independent urban planners (not those associated or paid by developers) view suburbs and urban sprawl as economically and environmentally deleterious. Urban sprawl should have stopped years ago, but it is not too late. Lire davantage

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The proposal stands to benefits only a select people and rather than developing other areas within Ontario, there's a focus on the GTA rather than in any other parts of Ontario that could do with a bit of urban growth. Lire davantage

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This consultation is not inclusive as it allows only to people who has access to a computer/ internet with digital literacy. It exclude other minority groups in the society. Lire davantage

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To whom this may concern, I am a gravely concerned resident of Ontario employed in the ecology and environmental consultant industry. Prior to reading further, please know that I am not anti-development, but I am deeply pro-responsible planning and development. Lire davantage

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Weakening the Greenbelt is a terrible idea. The environmental health of Ontarians is more important than making a profit for a few cronies the in the laziest stupidest way. There are ways to make a profit that can benefit the environment and health of Ontarians. Do those instead. Lire davantage

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The fact that this is called a "conservation plan" is insulting. Anyone involved in this who is not a business owner should resign from the shame of being a part of this. Make housing cheaper - DON'T BULLDOZE CONSERVATION AREA TO BUILD EXPENSIVE HOUSES THAT NO ONE CAN ACTUALLY LIVE IN

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I do not support this bill. The greenbelt is a necessity to help protect the environment for generations to come and to help combat climate change. Adding single houses will not help reduce the Ontario housing prices and does not support affordable housing. Lire davantage

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Government should not allow green belt to make house we should care natural area we should allow animals to move free area first we should use land outside of green belt Thanks

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As a descendant of Ontario pioneers, watching the destruction of this province (and country) the last 10 years have been heartbreaking and devastating. Ontario wanted a Conservative leader who would "conserve" and not destroy. Lire davantage