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I am opposed to the government's proposal to remove or redesignate 15 areas of land totaling approximately 7,400 acres from the edge of the Greenbelt Area that are serviced or adjacent to services. Lire davantage

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Please do not do follow this plan. Everyone everywhere, including whoever is reading this, knows it's a bad idea. Evidence of corruption related to this keeps popping up everywhere. The people would rally against this if we had any willpower left after the last few years.

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This proposal is an absolute joke. Does anyone read the scientific literature? Please hire some honest scientists and listen to them! Your proposal is a lazy solution to the housing crisis. Do better for Ontarians (and yourselves)!

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People largely opposed opening up the green belt for development during elections and we had been promised by this government this would'nt happen. I believe the quote was "the people have spoken". Lire davantage

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We find this to be unacceptable and destroying the process of many years worth of effort to preserve the beautiful lands of Ontario. We kindly push forth that this bill is repealed as this will cost current citizens and future citizens for generations. Lire davantage

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Please do not destroy the established Greenbelt. The preservation of green space is vitally important for our health and well-being. Housing land can be found within existing boundaries by building up or building on reclaimed industrial land. Lire davantage

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The nature of Bill 23 was never discussed during the recent election. This government promised numerous times that they would not touch the Greenbelt. This government does not have a mandate from the people of Ontario to develop on the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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BILL 23 RESPONSE I write this comment to request that you rescind Bill 23.( ERO 019 6196) I draw your attention to three parts of the Bill which are especially problematic: Lire davantage

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It is absolutely abhorrent that this government has passed Bill 23. It is self-serving and incredibly short sighted. At this time, when climate action is desperately needed, we must be protecting land, not opening it up for wealthy developers to make more money. Lire davantage

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I have driven along this corridor in different locations for years and have seen how the length of the area of land was essential for deer and animals that need larger territory to survive. Any encroachment on the size of the land is a death knoll for many wildlife. Lire davantage

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In 2018 Doug Ford said “The people have spoken. I’m going to listen to them, they don’t want me to touch the Greenbelt, we won’t touch the Greenbelt.” In 2020 he said “we won’t build on the Greenbelt”. Lire davantage

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Please do not develop protected lands. A housing shortage does not equal an emergency worth destroying protected lands that can never be reclaimed. Ontario is beautiful because of it’s nature, this decision is incredibly shortsighted.

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I am against this, To truly solve the housing crisis, the Province should focus on land in existing urban areas that is close to transit and services people want and then focus on the 88,000 acres of land in the GTHA that are already designated for development  Lire davantage

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To truly solve the housing crisis, the Province should focus on land in existing urban areas that is close to transit and services people want and then focus on the 88,000 acres of land in the GTHA that are already designated for development. Lire davantage

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I am so disappointed in Doug Ford and the Conservative Party during the election he promised not to touch the green belt. This was protected land for a reason with absolutely no care for the environment, the animals and the ecosystem as a whole. Lire davantage

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As Ontario continues to grow, protecting areas like the Greenbelt become even more important. Future generations deserve, and need, access to these areas of natural space. Lire davantage

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After years of fighting to preserve our most fertile lands; limiting landowners on what they can do with their own (protected) land, and promising to expand our protected areas, big business tries to bully Ontarioans by taking back this land? Lire davantage