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Developing the Greenbelt is not an acceptable course of action to meet housing demands. The Greenbelt is needed to support feeding the influx of people as well as to mitigate the potential risks to the GTA and surrounding communities associated with climate change. Lire davantage

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Our family is vehemently opposed to the development of the Greenbelt. I would expect an effective government to only pursue development opportunities that have long term sustainable positive environmental and socio-economic impacts. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose Bill 23. Building on parts of the Greenbelt will disrupt environmental processes that can’t be fixed by adding green land elsewhere. Affordable housing should be built in exciting municipality’s by building up and focusing on densification. Avoid paving over more green space.

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It is not only the fact that the Ontario government is expanding urban sprawl with the reasoning that more housing is required. The housing will be expensive homes for those who are able to commute to work and required amenities for a community. Lire davantage

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I am completely opposed to the proposed changes to the opening up of greenspaces for development. I'm also opposed to the designation of 7,000 acres of land around Erin which would occur without consultation with the Erin municipality government. Lire davantage

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In this recent article by the GlobeandMail it is made clear that species are at risk in Canada. The Greenbelt was put in place to protect farmlands, water supply and the Flora and Fauna of Ontario by providing a protected corridor of land. Lire davantage

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This Ford government has repeatedly promised not to touch the green belt. Doing so without exceptionally detailed proof is tantamount to fraud. There is a very short list of people who will benefit from this action, and it does not include future immigrants.

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The green belt land is essential, is a resource for Ontario , and its protections should be maintained 100%. It is ludicrous to consider developing this land. Thus land is fertile and the food farming that is fine here provides for essential needs of ontarians. Lire davantage

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We do need to provide homes to more people so that they can live in them, requiring an affordable price to buy or rent. It appears that many of the houses being built today are being purchased as investment property to rent out on AirBnb. Lire davantage

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This is a clear grift, an abomination, an assault on the environment & does not actually address the housing crisis. There is no affordable housing being built. This proposal will only serve to line the pockets of developers while pilfering the environment and leaving poor people in the dust.

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I want a full and fulsome inquiry into the developer purchase of protected land. This land is not renewable once it’s paved over and full of cheap built, overpriced townhouses and malls. Something is very wrong, not only with this plan but also with how it has come about. Lire davantage

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Ontario needs to do its part to find our way to sustainability in a changing world full of instability. Digging into the Greenbelt area is not a good way to do that when there is land for development already allocated elsewhere. Lire davantage

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It seems to me that the greenbelt release of lands is a foregone conclusion. Housing needs to be built and difficult decisions need to be made. This could also create a lot more housing. Deeply affordable housing. Lire davantage

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Absolutely unacceptable to even think of using such ecologically signifiant lands for building. This is complete corruption by the government and tax payers will be paying for this for hundreds of years. Shame on you.

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This is an unfortunate proposal that is a lazy response to a housing issue. As has been reported, the advancement of this proposal bypasses the administration’s duty to consult with Indigenous people in the area. Lire davantage

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I am a 25 year old Ontarian, I am the future of this province. I wholeheartedly disagree with the proposal to open any greenbelt land to housing development. This is a proposal to compromise my future and the future of my province for the short term gain of very few people. Lire davantage