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I strongly urge the province to reconsider the proposed changes under Bill 23. Please halt the implementation of the proposals in order to address concerns being identified by organizations, individuals like myself and the municipalities of Ontario. Lire davantage

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The Ford Government has no business opening up Ontario's Greenbelt. I grew up in the GTA in the 60s and 70s. For a time, my family moved away to another area of rural Ontario. Lire davantage

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The optics of this whole situation is not good. First the government promised not to touch the Green Belt then they do and now it very much appears friends of the government had inside information. If this happened it is criminal.

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Another very poor decision from the Ford government. Developing land on the Greenbelt in the GTA area will have negative long-term consequences that this government cannot begin to understand. Also lines the pockets of the premier's real estate buddies - absolutely shameful on Ford's government. Lire davantage

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The whole point of a greenbelt is to protect the land it protects from development. By moving the boundaries of a greenbelt, the idea of a greenbelt is completely undermined. People need access to large green spaces throughout urban areas, not just at the periphery of cities. Lire davantage

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Bill 23 does not fix the affordable housing crisis impacting this province and to add to the population when your health services cannot service the current population is dangerously absurd. Lire davantage

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I say no to deregulation of greenbelt land especially since it smells of graft and corruption. Once you make inroads into protected land it will never stop. There is enough land available just not in the hands of these particular defvelopers all the wAY UP TO PARRY SOUND.

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I do not support Bill 23, which as it’s currently written is an attack on our wetlands, green spaces, communities and the climate. Ontarians demand changes to this destructive and inadequate bill! Hand off the green belt.

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This needs to stop! Repeal bill 23 immediately! This is not just grass and cannot be replaced with other land - the Greenbelt is protected specifically to prevent urban sprawl!!! Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is protecting my home, my recreation, my health, and my work (and my entire industry). All four rely on this space. I have done so much to share this space through tourism and always included further elements of protection like education and environmental stewardship. Lire davantage

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Removing land from Greenbelt lands does not solve Ontario's housing supply crisis. The "More Homes Built Faster Act" is a very ill advised poor plan. It does not use modern urban planning concepts and does not solve Ontario's housing problems. Lire davantage

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I would like to provide comments because I am an affected party and have lived in the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve (DRAP) for well over 20 years. Full disclosure, I am a retired fish & wildlife biologist. Lire davantage

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The green belt should not be built on and developers should not get away with this! Half of Ontario's fruits are grown in the green belt, and putting single family homes on the green belt benefits no one but the developers.

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As a student, I would be deeply disappointed in this government’s unethical decision to build on protected land. Affordable housing starts in the cities, not by giving developers easy ways to profit off the rich.