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Please don't build over the Greenbelt. It's such a wonderful part of our province. I understand that housing is an important issue, but there are other ways to build enough homes. The Greenbelt is such an important piece of land that should be protected.

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I do not support the green belt amendment being proposed. The greenbelt has been a protected land since 2005 and should stay that way. One of our primary objectives as a region is to fighting climate change and I feel this amendment would counter act that initiative. Lire davantage

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Leave the Greenbelt alone. The Premier was clear when he was first elected: he would not touch the Greenbelt. He knew Ontario's citizens did not want the Greenbelt compromised and sold off for private profits. Mr. Ford needs to keep his promises. Lire davantage

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I am writing to you to express my concerns regarding Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act. This legislation will make our community less green, ultimately result in cuts to service provision, and will threaten to exacerbate the climate change issues we are facing in Ontario. Lire davantage

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I have never engaged in political activism before… until now. Premier Ford; you said repeatedly that you would not touch Ontario’s Greenbelt. Deleting the tweets does not make that go away. You have made underhanded deals with developers. Shame! Lire davantage

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On behalf of Richmond Properties ( Block 41) Inc please find request in support of the removal of lands from the Greenbelt Plan plan boundary. The land is located in Lot 26, Concession 6 - City of Vaughan and within an approved secondary plan area for community land uses. Lire davantage

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I request that you repeal bill 23 and leave our greenbelt alone. When you first were at risk of not being elected in 2018 because you threatened to develop the greenbelt, you backed off. You have no right to develop the greenbelt now. Don't be so shortsighted. Hands off our greenbelt!

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I object to the proposal to develop ANY of the current areas designated for the green belt. This proposal appears to be a plan to benefit PC supporters and NOT the people of Ontario. This is abhorrent and must be stopped.

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This is an absolute joke. You are all a bunch of greedy slimy politicians. You should be ashamed Douglas, I am so disappointed that I chose to move back to this province. Our forest and wetlands are so important. And you obviously do not understand this. Lire davantage

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I support this proposal and commend Premier Ford and his team for making the tough decisions that will allow our children to have the affordable housing options that we had when we entered the housing market. Lire davantage

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Do not develop within the Green Belt. This is reckless urban sprawl. Densify existing housing and mixed use areas within urban and rural communities. Support municipalities to increase their local growth plans.

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This would be a travesty. These are protected lands. There are other places for housing to be built, this should not even be an option. For the present and the future of Ontario this needs to stop!

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This is a mistake you are greedy untrustworthy liars. The environment is so important and you obviously do not understand this. I hope the public fights you all the way and makes is so incredibly uncomfortable for you. Lire davantage