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I am an Ontario citizen and a voter. I strongly oppose the changes being proposed to the Greenbelt Act 2005, described in ERO proposal #019-6216, as part of the Bill 23 suite of legislation changes. Lire davantage

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So many more areas could and should be developed rather that this important GREENbelt . Absolutely opposed to the destruction and development of these lands Don Mills ! So many empty businesses with huge empty parking lots . A good place to start

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We do not have to destroy the greenbelt in the effort to fullfil desires of developers who made poor business choices. Why are we not thinking of building up, rather than spread out? Could we not focus on small 5 stories residential building around greenspace? Why do we keep destroying our planet? Lire davantage

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It was a shock to see this government fail to protect the greenbelt. The excuse of building more housing on this rich farmland is short sighted and harmful to the common good. The solutions to the housing shortage would be solved easily without this land grab. Lire davantage

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The premier promised NOT to TOUCH the greenbelt. This land is essential for feeding our society, it is important for maintaining our current watershed systems. There is SO MUCH OTHER LAND to be developed in this province that is not essential. Lire davantage

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We NEED to keep the Green Belt, our future depends on it. We need to put profit, selfish interests, and money aside. The Greenbelt is NOT for development. Hands off our land! Destroying the Greenbelt will impact us all. My children deserve better, and I wish Ford thought his do too.

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I find this plan to be extremely unethical on all fronts. During this last month the public and media has only begun to have had opportunities to investigate and learn more about this proposal to open up the Greenbelt to development. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to the proposed changes. Many Ontarians were under the impression that our provincial government had made promises not to alter the Greenbelt. This proposal diminishes that promise.

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Building homes in the Greenbelt will not solve the major issues of housing supply in Ontario, and will only increase urban sprawl and the cost of delivering essential services to low-population density areas. Lire davantage

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I am writing to speak out against the Ontario government’s attempt to restrict adequate public consultation to Bill 23. In my opinion this is an abuse of power because Bill 23: *being tabled immediately after municipal elections reduced time for councils to respond Lire davantage

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Paving over the Greenbelt is absolutely not necessary to create more affordable housing, as stated by the Provincial Housing Affordability Task Force "One result is that more growth is pushing past urban Lire davantage

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Do NOT develop this precious land. The proposed highway will save absolutely no time which has been shown in several surveys, and will irreparably destroy habitat that was supposed to be protected. Lire davantage

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Densification instead of building more single family homes!! Greenbelt designation is there for a reason and not whenever people decided they want to take it back and build more home! Lire davantage

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"When you build new highway infrastructure, more people simply decide to drive and fill up that road space," said Buchanan, describing a concept known as "induced demand" or "induced traffic (McGillivray, 2021). This is a debatable statement. I oppose. This is an inevitable process.

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Do not touch the Greenbelt. It is supposed to be permanently protected. You should have no right to do that and it is a huge violation of power. It is not what the people of Ontario want and it’s very frustrating that this government is not listening to us. It’s criminal to even consider this. Lire davantage

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I am EXTREMELY against this bill, and all that it stands for this bill will not provide or encourage affordable housing, it will reduce our most valuable and fertile soil, and it’s absolutely disgusting that the premier is suggesting this as a solution for the housing crisis, completely delusional. Lire davantage

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I oppose this proposal as a citizen of this country and residence of this province. Even though being a recent immigrant I understand the need for housing where we are in crisis, but getting rid of greenbelt is something that is unethical. Lire davantage