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Building in floodplains and environmentally sensitive regions is a terrible idea. We have no need for more suburbias, build up within the cities we have and adjacent. Lire davantage

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The environmental benefits of the greenbelt are enormous and shouldn't be turned into low/medium density housing. Billions of dollars of value as a carbon sink and air quality should not be bulldozed into low value housing. Lire davantage

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Prove to the province why you were elected and stick to your campaign promises. It is in the Ontario populations best interest that the green belt is protected at all costs. Once lost it cannot be regained. Future generations deserve to see the natural beauty of Ontario's flora and fauna.

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The proposed development to the Green belt not only violates the promises made by the Ford government in 2019, but the rights of Ontarians. I'm worried how developments in the Green belt will affect water quality and access for regular, ordinary people just trying to get by. Lire davantage

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Cutting into the green belt? Are you some ridiculous villain from a movie? Facts are facts; we need ALL of our green belt; especially with climate crisis. It’s completely obscene to even propose this. Lire davantage

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You are proposing to remove about 7,400 acres in 15 different areas from the Greenbelt in order to build at least 50,000 new homes. Your proposal to take this land with the loose proposal to “put it back elsewhere” is short sited and dangerous to our land, to our environment and to our economy. Lire davantage

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It’s incredibly disappointing to see a push to develop on the important green space in southern Ontario instead of improving options for already developed residential areas. Where are the services for these green belt residents? Lire davantage

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I’m a life long Ontario resident that would love to raise my kids here one day… I am absolutely disgusted by the idea of green belt development. How about we spend some money on public transit, healthcare, and education instead of padding the pockets of Ford’s cronies..

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There are zero valid reasons to develop our greenbelt. Destroying ecologically sensitive areas is an act that can not be reversed. I may not be wealthy or hold a position of power and authority, but this is my planet too and I say no. My children say no. Lire davantage

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I am someone for whom this proposed amendment is likely targeted to assist. A young Ontarian who for years felt priced out of the housing market due to high demand and rising prices. This is also my first time submitting a comment like this. Lire davantage

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As a renter in Toronto seeing his rent increase to mortgage payment levels. Urban sprawl is not the solution to the housing crisis. This housing crisis is a result of "mom and pop" landlords who gobble up all new available housing and rent them at a profit. Lire davantage