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I heard what York 1's intentions are in terms of expanding a dormant landfill. They are trying to say that it is a waste transfer system that will involve recycling of materials, no smell, good business, etc. Lire davantage

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Traffic is a major concern……road maintenance , destruction of local roadways caused by constant transport traffic coming into and leaving the site. Lire davantage

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To whom it may concern: I attended a Community Information Session held by the company York1, in the community of Dresden on 2024-02-10. Lire davantage

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I do not stand for the approval of this amendment to establish a landfill at 29831 Irish School Road in Dresden, Ontario. Lire davantage

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While the proposal to recycle and reuse some of the material coming into this site sounds well intended, two aspects of the proposal are of immediate concern. Lire davantage

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How will the applicant deal with contaminated water from washing soil that is contaminated? How will the applicant contain shingles, that are stored in the open, from blowing off the applicant's property? Lire davantage

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I grew up in Dresden Ontario and live not far in Brigden. The absolute disregard for Dresden and the surrounding communities is appalling. More rich men lining their pockets. Lire davantage

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Amazing how people who don't know how much this project could create such havic with our unigue watershed and all the protected animals which live in it. Has this been considered. Lire davantage

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Not the place for this sort of thing. Too many sensitive species (we have many turtles and mussels that are endangered just to note), the increased traffic will become a problem quickly and its only 1km from the town (our highschool/River is very closeby)! Lire davantage

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Concerns are as follows: Air quality I have severe COPD moved here to because of excellent air quality Dump and trucks will destroy that Drinking water possible contamination Soil contamination impact on Agriculture and Livestock Lire davantage

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The idea is being sold in that the focus on non-hazardous solid waste management, soil remediation and beneficial reuse, and liquid waste solutions is to be expected. Then there is a note of materials with asbestos. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose this potential dump\ recycle site. Lire davantage

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I grew up, and still have family in the town of Dresden, this waste disposal site should not be able to operate/expand/ reopen at this location. Lire davantage

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Hello, I am writing with concern about the proposed dump site outside of Dresden. I do not wish for this dump site to happen. I see nothing beneficial for the residents of this area or for the environment and wildlife of this area, with having this dump site in this location. Lire davantage

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Horrible proposal by an unsafe employer. How can they be trusted with our beautiful environment? The Sydenham river is home to endangered species. I live in the area and know for sure spiney turtles have made their home for the winter on the recently purchased lands. Lire davantage

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Dresden is an agricultural community in southwestern Ontario, Canada, and is part of the municipality of Chatham-Kent. It is located on the Sydenham River. Lire davantage

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Ontario Premier Doug Ford said that " his government supports allowing municipalities to opt out of landfill proposals in their jurisdictions. 'We are not going to stick something in an area that people don't want"' he said. Dresden does NOT want this to happen 1 m away from town !! Lire davantage

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Our Premier Doug Ford stated in 2020 that there was new legislation which states municipalities within 3.5 km of a proposed dump have the right to approve or reject it. Dresden is 1 km away and our town absolutely rejects this proposal. Lire davantage

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The high volume of waste proposed for delivery to and processing at this site is deplorable. Why not build a site close to a highway in the GTA? Lire davantage