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PLEASE do not allow advertising along Ontario's provincial highways. This province has beautiful landscapes and billboards would ruin them. I have lived in places that have allowed this (Mexico, parts of the US) and it is ugly and very, very sad to see the landscape so blighted. Lire davantage

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These signs should be totally illegal, the government is very big on distracted drivers and yet because these signs that bring in revenue to the government are allowed, WHY ? Lire davantage

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Wouldn't adding flashing billboards to the highway increase risk for people who have a history of seizures? Also, I was under the impression that distracted driving was a crime, billboards are adding to this factor. Lire davantage

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I think the proliferation of highway signs in Haliburton County is deplorable. You have allowed our landscape to be cluttered by uncontrolled advertising. I don't see this in other areas of the Province as much as I do here in Haliburton County. Please remove at least 50% of them! Lire davantage

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Ontario is a beautiful Province. When I drive along roads and highways I want to be able to see and enjoy the landscape. Please protect our landscape from commercial clutter. I don't want Ontario to look like some of the American States. Lire davantage

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Many jurisdictions have opted for a complete ban on commercial billboards. That is the strongest approach to protecting public spaces and the simplest to enforce. Billboard bans currently exist across the entire states of Maine, Vermont, Hawaii and Alaska, as well as cities such as Sao Paulo. Lire davantage

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Many countries and states have banned commercial signage along their highways. Last spring I traveled from Toronto to Nashville, Tennessee and immediately noticed the lack of billboards along many of the highways. Lire davantage

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This is in response to your in invitation to comment on opportunities to "improve" the Corridor Signing Policy which is used in decision-making with regard to third party advertising along provincial highways Lire davantage

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The Federation of Urban Neighbourhoods supports maintenance of a strict policy on signage in Ontario's highways that preserves them free from visual pollution and distracted driving hazards. Lire davantage

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Arielle Mayer Senior Policy Advisor Ministry of Transportation Policy and Planning Division Transportation Planning Branch Environmental Policy Office (Toronto) 777 Bay Street Suite 3000 Toronto Ontario M7A 2J8 December 11, 2016 Dear Ms. Mayer, Lire davantage